22 - PHP Online

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Enter Your PHP code here for testing/debugging in the Online PHP Sandbox. As in the usual PHP files, you can also add HTML, but do not forget to add the tag <?php in the places where the PHP script should be executed.

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Result of php executing

Full code of 22.php

  1. <table class="table tarif">
  2.     <tr class="tarif-header">
  3.         <td>Услуга</td>
  4.         <td colspan="">Ваш тариф</td>
  5.         <td>
  6.             <span><a href="">Рекомендуем</a></span>
  7.             <span><a href="">Популярные</a></span>
  8.         </td>
  9.     </tr>
  10.     <!--  Current tarif info  -->
  11.     <tr>
  12.         <td></td>
  13.         <td class="tarif-head tarif-current">
  14.             <h4><?=$data['user_info']->tarif?></h4>
  16.             <div class="tarif-desc">
  17.                 <?= $data['admin.tarif'][0]->fields->plan_comment ?>
  18.             </div>
  19.             <div class="actions">
  20.                 <a href="/cabinet/смена_тарифа/" class="btn btn-primary">Поменять тариф</a>
  21.             </div>
  22.         </td>
  23.         <td class="tarif-recommend">
  24.             <h4><?=$data['best_tarif']->name?></h4>
  26.             <div class="tarif-desc">
  27.                 <?=$data['best_tarif']->plan_comment?>
  28.             </div>
  29.         </td>
  30.     </tr>
  31. </table>
File Description
  • 22
  • PHP Code
  • 15 Sep-2022
  • 997 Bytes
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