Change Saturation Online

Input data

This form allows you to change saturation of the images, paste or upload your image file below:

Drag and drop a file or select add Image

your image

About adjusting the saturation of an image

Why you may need to adjust saturation of a photo?

There are many cases where you might need to adjust saturation of the images. Increase the saturation to make the colors more saturated and to make the colors in the image stand out. Decrease the saturation to tone down the colors and make the image more grayscale. Drag the slider to the left to decrease the saturation between grayscale and colorful areas, and drag the slider to the right to increase it. Our tool is one of the most convenient and reliable to adjust saturation of the image. It does not require registration and is totally free.

Allowed image extensions

tiff, pjp, jfif, bmp, gif, svg, png, xbm, dib, jxl, jpeg, svgz, jpg, webp, ico, tif, pjpeg, avif

How it Works?

Just upload your image in the form above and drag the slider to adjust the saturation level in the image and you will instantly get changed image or photo.

The tool is designed to adjust saturation of the image in a client browser. We do not upload your images to the server. So there should be no waiting time for image loading, image processing or download it.

Example of increasing saturation

Example of decreasing saturation