Convert JSON to PHP Serialized string

Form for JSON converting

This form allows you convert JSON to Serialize String, paste or upload your JSON file below:

Your result can be seen below.

Result of JSON conversion to PHP Serialized String

Move to "Paste Code" for Save it

About JSON conversion to PHP Serialized String

About JSON conversion to Serialize

The Convert JSON to PHP Serialize was created for online converting JSON into appropriate Serialized string. Your JSON object is converting to a PHP array and then converting to serialized string.

How it Works?

Just paste your JSON to the textarea above and click to the button "Convert" and you will get Serialized string in the next textarea.

Example of JSON conversion to Serialize string

{"website":{"domain":"","title":"Online Web Tools"}}
a:1:{s:7:"website";a:2:{s:6:"domain";s:9:"";s:5:"title";s:16:"Online Web Tools";}}