SQL Escape/Unescape

Form of SQL Escaping/Unescaping

Enter SQL here to escape/unescape:

Move to «Paste Code» for Save it

About online SQL escape/unescape

About SQL escape/unescape

Escapes or unescapes a SQL string removing traces of offending characters that could prevent execution.

The SQL Escape / SQL Unescape it's online tool that works by looking for single quotes (') and replacing them with two single quotes thus escaping them. Handy for quickly fixing offending characters that are preventing the execution of an SQL query.

What characters are replaced?

  • Escapes all single quote characters by doubling them.

How it Works?

Just paste your SQL query to the textarea above and click to the button "Escape" or "Unescape" and you will get your escaped/unescaped data.

What characters are replaced?

SQL query, before:
select * from table where value = 'in single quote '' is offensive'
select * from table where value = "in single quote "" is offensive"
After the conversion, you can apply the SQL to your project or use it for some other purpose.

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