Strip HTML Tags

Form for transform HTML to Text

This form allows you to remove HTML tags from the text or code:

Your result can be seen below.

Result of strip HTML tags

Move to "Paste Code" for Save it

About strip HTML tags

About HTML conversion to Text

The Strip HTML Tags was created for online transform HTML into clean plain text. The service can be useful for people who want to save a huge amount of time on cleaning up text filled with HTML tags and ugly formatting.

How it Works?

Just paste your HTML code to the textarea above and click to the button "Convert" and you will get pretty text for you to enjoy.

If your HTML code is minimized or compressed, you can select the option "Make HTML Beautiful" to make your result more readable.

Example of strip HTML tags

    <title>Best Tools</title>

    <body bgcolor="FFFFFF">
        <center><img src="wtools.jpg" align="bottom"> </center>
        <a href="">Best Online Web Tools</a>is a link to another nifty site
        <h1>Delete HTML Tags</h1>
        <h2>Remove HTML TAGS</h2>
        Send me mail at <a href=""></a>.
        <p> This is a new paragraph!</p>
        <p> <b>This is a new paragraph!</b></p>
        <br> <b><i>This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.</i></b>

    Best Tools

        Best Online Web Toolsis a link to another nifty site
        Delete HTML Tags
        Remove HTML TAGS
        Send me mail at
         This is a new paragraph!
         This is a new paragraph!
         This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.

After the conversion, you can apply the plain text to your project or use it for some other purpose.

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