Tag - "Text" Tools

List of tools


Free word counter for copywriting, writers, journalists. Instantly count words, characters, characters without white spaces,etc in online word count tool.

Free line counter for copywriting, writers, journalists. Instantly count lines including empty lines,etc in online lines count tool.


Text to Binary Converter - online tool who allows you convert your String data to Binary data.

Binary to Text Converter - online tool who allows you convert your Binary data to String data.

Strikethrough Text Generator - online tool who allows you convert your text to strikethrough text for Facebook, Twitter.

Free tool for online change case in the your text to uppercase, lowercase and more.

Free tool for online change reverse in the your text to backwards letters.

Free online tool for strip HTML tags, removes every HTML tag and leaving only the plain text content inside them.

Free online tool for strip Markdown from text, removes Markdown syntax and leaving only the plain text content inside them.

Free tool for online converting JSON data into plain text, generate text from JSON quickly.

Free tool for online converting XML data into plain text, generate text from XML quickly.

Free tool for online converting Excel file into Text, generate text from xlsx quickly.

Free tool for online removing empty lines from text. Just paste your text and press button for instantly get empty lines removed.

Free tool for online removing line breaks from text. Just paste your text and press button for instantly get сoncatenate lines into one.

Free tool for online removing extra whitespaces and tab space from text. Just paste your text and press button for instantly get all whitespace and tabs deleted.

Free tool for online removing empty lines from text. Just paste your text and press button for instantly get empty lines removed.

Online tool for quickly sorting a list in alphabetical order. Alphabetize words, text, lists, and similar information.


Slug URL Generator - Instantly generate SEO friendly and human readable URL slugs for your website