[php] WHMbackup.Solutions
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- <?php
- /**
- * WHM Backup Solutions
- * https://whmbackup.solutions
- *
- * Description: This script utilises cPanel's official API's to enable reseller
- * users to automate backups of accounts within their reseller account,
- * a feature currently missing.
- *
- * Requirements: cPanel Version 11.68+
- * PHP Version 5.6+
- * Curl
- *
- * Instructions: For instructions on how to configure and run this script see README.txt
- * or visit https://whmbackup.solutions/documentation/
- *
- * LICENSE: This source file is subject to GNU GPL-3.0-or-later
- * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
- * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. If you did not receive a copy of
- * the GNU GPL License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
- * send a note to peter@whmbackup.solutions so we can mail you a copy immediately.
- *
- * @author Peter Kelly <peter@whmbackup.solutions>
- * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GPL 3.0 or later
- * @link https://whmbackup.solutions
- * @filename whmbackup.php
- */
- @set_time_limit(180);
- @ini_set('max_execution_time', 180);
- $directory = realpath(__dir__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
- // Include Functions file.
- include ($directory . "resources" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "functions.php");
- include ($directory . "resources" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "xmlapi" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "xmlapi.php");
- // Variables
- $generate = null;
- $force = null;
- $config_name = null;
- // Check if script run via command line or web browser.
- if ((PHP_SAPI == 'cli'))
- {
- foreach ($argv as $arg)
- {
- list($arg_x, $arg_y) = explode('=', $arg);
- $_GET[$arg_x] = $arg_y;
- }
- }
- // Check if script variables are set in $_GET.
- $generate = array_key_exists("generate", $_GET);
- $force = array_key_exists("force", $_GET);
- if (array_key_exists("config", $_GET))
- $config_name = $_GET["config"];
- // Include Config File
- $include_config = include_config($config_name);
- if ($include_config["error"])
- record_log("system", $include_config["response"], true);
- $config = $include_config["response"];
- // Valid Config Variables
- $config_variables = array(
- "date_format",
- "timezone",
- "obfuscate_config",
- "check_version",
- "whm_hostname",
- "whm_port",
- "whm_username",
- "whm_auth",
- "whm_auth_key",
- "type_of_backup",
- "backup_criteria",
- "backup_exclusions",
- "backup_destination",
- "backup_hostname",
- "backup_port",
- "backup_user",
- "backup_pass",
- "backup_email",
- "backup_rdir");
- // Check Config For All Required Variables.
- foreach ($config_variables as $var)
- {
- if (!isset($config[$var]))
- record_log("system", "Variable $config["" . $var .
- ""] Missing From Config. Please Generate A New Configuration File Using config.php.new", true);
- }
- // Retrieve Backup Status
- $retrieve_status = retrieve_status($config_name);
- if ($retrieve_status["error"] == "1"){
- record_log("system", $retrieve_status["response"]);
- $email_log = email_log("ERROR - Reseller Backup Log (WHM Backup Solutions)", "The backup of \"" . $config['whm_username'] .
- "\" has an error that required attention. The log of backup initiation is available below.\r\n", TRUE);
- if ($email_log["error"] == "0")
- {
- record_log("note", "Retrieve Status Log File Successfully Sent To " . $config["backup_email"]);
- } else
- {
- record_log("note", "Retrieve Status " . $email_log["response"], true);
- }
- exit();
- }
- $log_file = $retrieve_status["log_file"];
- try
- {
- $xmlapi = new xmlapi($config["whm_hostname"]);
- $xmlapi->set_port($config["whm_port"]);
- if ($config["whm_auth"] == "password")
- {
- $xmlapi->password_auth($config["whm_username"], $config["whm_auth_key"]);
- } else
- if ($config["whm_auth"] == "hash")
- {
- $xmlapi->hash_auth($config["whm_username"], $config["whm_auth_key"]);
- } else
- {
- record_log("system", "Invalid Authentication Type, Set $config[\"whm_auth\"] to either password or hash.");
- $email_log = email_log("ERROR - Reseller Backup Log (WHM Backup Solutions)", "The backup of \"" . $config['whm_username'] .
- "\" has an error that required attention. The log of backup initiation is available below.\r\n", TRUE);
- if ($email_log["error"] == "0")
- {
- record_log("note", "Invalid Authentication Log File Successfully Sent To " . $config["backup_email"]);
- } else
- {
- record_log("note", "Invalid Authentication " . $email_log["response"], true);
- }
- exit();
- }
- $xmlapi->set_output('json');
- $xmlapi->set_debug(0);
- // Generate Variable Set, If Backup Already Started & Force Variable Set OR If Backup Not Already Started, Generate Account List
- if ((($generate == true) && ($retrieve_status["status"] == "1") && ($force == true)) || (($generate == true) &&
- ($retrieve_status["status"] != "1")))
- {
- $update_status = update_status(array(), "", $config_name);
- // Generate Account List
- $generate_account_list = generate_account_list();
- $log_file = $generate_account_list["log_file"];
- $cpanel_version = json_decode($xmlapi->version(), true);
- if(!isset($cpanel_version["version"])) $cpanel_version["version"] = "Error";
- if((isset($cpanel_version["status"])) && ($cpanel_version["status"] == "0")) $cpanel_version["version"] = $cpanel_version["statusmsg"];
- record_log("note", $config['whm_username'] . "@" . $config['whm_hostname'] . ", cPanel Version: " . $cpanel_version["version"]);
- if ($generate_account_list["error"] == "1"){
- record_log("note", "(Generation) ERROR: " . $generate_account_list["response"]);
- $email_log = email_log("ERROR - Reseller Backup Log (WHM Backup Solutions)", "The backup of \"" . $config['whm_username'] .
- "\" has an error that required attention. The log of backup initiation is available below.\r\n");
- if ($email_log["error"] == "0")
- {
- record_log("note", "Generation Log File Successfully Sent To " . $config["backup_email"]);
- } else
- {
- record_log("note", "Generation " . $email_log["response"], true);
- }
- exit();
- }
- // Check For New Version
- if ($config["check_version"] != '0')
- {
- $check_version = check_version();
- if ($check_version["error"] == "1")
- {
- record_log("note", "UPDATE CHECK ERROR: " . $check_version["response"]);
- } else
- {
- if (($config["check_version"] == $check_version["version_status"]) || (($config["check_version"] == "2") &&
- ($check_version["version_status"] == "1")))
- {
- record_log("note", "UPDATE CHECK: " . $check_version["response"]);
- if ((!isset($config["skip_update"])) || ($config["skip_update"] != "1"))
- {
- $update_script = update_script($check_version["hash"]);
- if($update_script["error"] == "1"){
- record_log("note", "UPDATE SCRIPT ERROR: " . $update_script["response"]);
- }else{
- record_log("note", "UPDATE SCRIPT: " . $update_script["response"]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $save_status = update_status($generate_account_list["account_list"], $generate_account_list["log_file"], $config_name);
- if ($save_status["error"] == "1")
- record_log("note", "(Generation) ERROR: " . $save_status["response"], true);
- record_log("note", "Accounts To Be Backed Up: " . implode(", ", $generate_account_list["account_list"]), false);
- if (count($generate_account_list["account_excluded"]) > 0)
- record_log("note", "Accounts Excluded From Backup By Config: " . implode(", ", $generate_account_list["account_excluded"]), false);
- if (count($generate_account_list["account_suspended"]) > 0)
- record_log("note", "Accounts Excluded From Backup Due To Being Suspended: " . implode(", ", $generate_account_list["account_suspended"]), false);
- exit();
- }
- if (($generate == true) && ($retrieve_status["status"] == "1"))
- {
- echo "Backup Already Started. To Generate A New Backup Use Force Variable.";
- }
- if (($generate == false) && ($retrieve_status["status"] == "0"))
- {
- echo "No Backups Required.";
- }
- // Generate Variable Not Set, Backup Already Started, Accounts Remaining To Backup.
- if (($generate == false) && ($retrieve_status["status"] == "1"))
- {
- $backup_accounts = backup_accounts($retrieve_status["account_list"]);
- $account = $retrieve_status["account_list"][0];
- //$retrieve_status["account_list"] = array_values($retrieve_status["account_list"]);
- unset($retrieve_status["account_list"][0]);
- $save_status = update_status(array_values($retrieve_status["account_list"]), $retrieve_status["log_file"], $config_name);
- if (($backup_accounts["error"] == "0") && (!empty($config["backup_email"]))){
- if(isset($backup_accounts["pid"])){
- record_log("note", "(" . $account .
- ") Backup Initiated (PID: " . $backup_accounts["pid"] . "). For More Details See The Backup Email For This Account.", true);
- }else{
- record_log("note", "(" . $account .
- ") Backup Initiated. For More Details See The Backup Email For This Account.", true);
- }
- }
- if (($backup_accounts["error"] == "0") && (empty($config["backup_email"]))){
- if(isset($backup_accounts["pid"])){
- record_log("note", "(" . $account . ") Backup Initiated (PID: " . $backup_accounts["pid"] . ").", true);
- }else{
- record_log("note", "(" . $account . ") Backup Initiated.", true);
- }
- }
- record_log("note", "(" . $account . ") ERROR: " . $backup_accounts["response"], true);
- }
- // Generate Variable Not Set, Backup Already Started, All Accounts Backed Up, Send Log File in Email.
- if (($generate == false) && ($retrieve_status["status"] == "2"))
- {
- if (!empty($config['backup_email']))
- {
- $email_log = email_log("Reseller Backup Log (WHM Backup Solutions)", "The backup of \"" . $config['whm_username'] .
- "\" has been completed. The log of backup initiation is available below.\r\n");
- if ($email_log["error"] == "0")
- {
- record_log("note", "Backup Completion Log File Successfully Sent To " . $config["backup_email"]);
- } else
- {
- record_log("note", "Backup Completion " . $email_log["response"], true);
- }
- } else
- {
- record_log("note", "Log File Completed.");
- }
- $update_status = update_status(array(), "", $config_name);
- }
- }
- catch (exception $e)
- {
- record_log("system", "cPanel API Error: " . $e->getMessage());
- $email_log = email_log("ERROR - Reseller Backup Log (WHM Backup Solutions)", "The backup of \"" . $config['whm_username'] .
- "\" has an error that required attention. The log of backup initiation is available below.\r\n", TRUE);
- if ($email_log["error"] == "0")
- {
- record_log("note", "cPanel API Error Log File Successfully Sent To " . $config["backup_email"]);
- } else
- {
- record_log("note", "cPanel API Error " . $email_log["response"], true);
- }
- exit();
- }
- ?>
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