[ocaml] OCaml LZW
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- let chain (f : 'a -> unit) : 'a -> 'a =
- fun x -> f x ; x
- module type Encoder_dict = sig
- type t
- val reset_code : int
- val make : unit -> t
- val add : t -> string -> unit
- val mem : t -> string -> bool
- val find : t -> string -> int
- val is_full : t -> bool
- val reset : t -> unit
- end
- module Encoder (Dict : Encoder_dict) = struct
- module State = struct
- type t =
- { seq : string
- ; token : string }
- end
- module Change = struct
- type t =
- | Found of found
- | Not_found of not_found
- | Overflow of overflow
- and found =
- { seq : string }
- and not_found =
- { seq : string
- ; new_seq : string
- ; code : int }
- and overflow =
- { seq : string
- ; code : int }
- end
- type mem = string -> bool
- type find = string -> int
- type is_full = unit -> bool
- let encode ~mem ~find ~is_full state =
- let { State. seq ; token } = state in
- let next_seq = seq ^ token in
- if mem next_seq then
- Change.Found
- { seq = next_seq }
- else if is_full () then
- Change.Overflow
- { seq = token
- ; code = find seq }
- else
- Change.Not_found
- { seq = token
- ; new_seq = next_seq
- ; code = find seq }
- type env =
- { mutable seq : string
- ; dict : Dict.t }
- let make_env () =
- { seq = "" ; dict = Dict.make () }
- let update env = function
- | Change.Found { seq } ->
- env.seq <- seq
- | Change.Not_found { seq ; new_seq ; code } ->
- env.seq <- seq ;
- Dict.add env.dict new_seq
- | Change.Overflow { seq ; code } ->
- env.seq <- seq ;
- Dict.reset env.dict
- let emit = function
- | Change.Found _ -> []
- | Change.Not_found v -> [ v.code ]
- | Change.Overflow v -> [ v.code ; Dict.reset_code ]
- let make () =
- let env = make_env () in
- let as_state token = { State. seq = env.seq ; token = token } in
- let encode = encode
- ~mem:(Dict.mem env.dict)
- ~find:(Dict.find env.dict)
- ~is_full:(fun _ -> Dict.is_full env.dict)
- in
- fun token -> token
- |> as_state
- |> encode
- |> chain (update env)
- |> emit
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module Encoder_test = struct
- module Dict_stub = struct
- type t = unit
- let reset_code = 42
- let make () = ()
- let add d s = ()
- let mem d s = false
- let find d s = 42
- let is_full d = false
- let reset d = ()
- end
- module E = Encoder (Dict_stub)
- let name = "encode"
- let _ =
- "TEST : " ^ name |> print_endline;
- let encode = E.encode
- ~mem:(fun s -> s = "A")
- ~find:(fun _ -> 13)
- ~is_full:(fun _ -> false)
- in
- ( match encode { seq = "" ; token = "A" } with
- | E.Change.Found { seq } ->
- assert (seq = "A")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "A" ; token = "A" } with
- | E.Change.Not_found { seq ; new_seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "A") ;
- assert (new_seq = "AA") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "A" ; token = "B" } with
- | E.Change.Not_found { seq ; new_seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "B") ;
- assert (new_seq = "AB") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- let encode = E.encode
- ~mem:(fun s -> s = "A")
- ~find:(fun _ -> 13)
- ~is_full:(fun _ -> true)
- in
- ( match encode { seq = "" ; token = "A" } with
- | E.Change.Found { seq } ->
- assert (seq = "A")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "A" ; token = "A" } with
- | E.Change.Overflow { seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "A") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "A" ; token = "B" } with
- | E.Change.Overflow { seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "B") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- (* Cyrillic *)
- let encode = E.encode
- ~mem:(fun s -> s = "Ц")
- ~find:(fun _ -> 13)
- ~is_full:(fun _ -> false)
- in
- ( match encode { seq = "" ; token = "Ц" } with
- | E.Change.Found { seq } ->
- assert (seq = "Ц")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "Ц" ; token = "Ц" } with
- | E.Change.Not_found { seq ; new_seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "Ц") ;
- assert (new_seq = "ЦЦ") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "Ц" ; token = "Ж" } with
- | E.Change.Not_found { seq ; new_seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "Ж") ;
- assert (new_seq = "ЦЖ") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- (* Japanese 絶対 *)
- let encode = E.encode
- ~mem:(fun s -> s = "絶")
- ~find:(fun _ -> 13)
- ~is_full:(fun _ -> false)
- in
- ( match encode { seq = "" ; token = "絶" } with
- | E.Change.Found { seq } ->
- assert (seq = "絶")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "絶" ; token = "絶" } with
- | E.Change.Not_found { seq ; new_seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "絶") ;
- assert (new_seq = "絶絶") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match encode { seq = "絶" ; token = "対" } with
- | E.Change.Not_found { seq ; new_seq ; code } ->
- assert (seq = "対") ;
- assert (new_seq = "絶対") ;
- assert (code = 13)
- | _ -> assert false );
- "PASS : " ^ name |> print_endline
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module type Token_encoder = sig
- val make : unit -> string -> int list
- end
- module Encode (Enc : Token_encoder) = struct
- let string_to_list s =
- let codes = ref [] in
- let push c = codes := c :: !codes in
- let push_all = List.iter push in
- let encode = Enc.make () in
- let as_token c = String.make 1 c in
- let f c = c |> as_token |> encode |> push_all in
- String.iter f s ;
- f '#' ;
- List.rev !codes
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module type Encode_conf = sig
- val capacity : int
- val alphabet : string
- end
- module Encode_dict (Conf : Encode_conf) = struct
- let _ =
- let cap = Conf.capacity in
- let alpha_len = String.length Conf.alphabet in
- assert (cap > 0) ;
- assert (alpha_len <= cap) ;
- let module CS = Set.Make (Char) in
- let unique = Conf.alphabet |> String.to_seq |> CS.of_seq in
- assert (alpha_len = CS.cardinal unique)
- type t = (string, int) Hashtbl.t
- let reset_code = Conf.capacity + 1
- let reset dict =
- Hashtbl.clear dict ;
- let map (i, c) = (String.make 1 c, i+1) in
- Conf.alphabet
- |> String.to_seqi
- |> Seq.map map
- |> Hashtbl.add_seq dict
- let make () =
- let dict = Hashtbl.create Conf.capacity in
- reset dict ;
- dict
- let is_full dict =
- Hashtbl.length dict = Conf.capacity
- exception Key_duplicate
- exception Capacity_overflow
- let add dict key =
- if Hashtbl.mem dict key then raise Key_duplicate ;
- if is_full dict then raise Capacity_overflow ;
- Hashtbl.add dict key (Hashtbl.length dict + 1)
- let mem = Hashtbl.mem
- exception Key_not_found
- let find dict key =
- match Hashtbl.find_opt dict key with
- | Some v -> v
- | None -> raise Key_not_found
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module Encode_test = struct
- let str xs =
- "[" ^
- ( xs
- |> List.map string_of_int
- |> String.concat "; " ) ^
- "]"
- let _ =
- let module Dict = Encode_dict (struct
- let capacity = 42
- end) in
- let module Encode = Encode (Encoder (Dict)) in
- let name = "string_to_list" in
- "TEST : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- let expected =
- [ 20; 15; 2; 5; 15; 18; 14; 15
- ; 20; 27; 29; 31; 36; 30; 32; 34 ]
- in
- let actual = Encode.string_to_list input in
- if List.equal (=) actual expected then
- "PASS : " ^ name |> print_endline
- else begin
- "FAIL : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- " expected: " ^ str expected |> print_endline ;
- " actual: " ^ str actual |> print_endline
- end
- let _ =
- let module Dict = Encode_dict (struct
- let capacity = 26
- end) in
- let module Encode = Encode (Encoder (Dict)) in
- let name = "string_to_list (with overflow)" in
- "TEST : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- let input = "TOBETO" in
- let expected = [20; 27; 15; 27; 2; 27; 5; 27; 20; 27; 15; 27] in
- let actual = Encode.string_to_list input in
- if List.equal (=) actual expected then
- "PASS : " ^ name |> print_endline
- else begin
- "FAIL : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- " expected: " ^ str expected |> print_endline ;
- " actual: " ^ str actual |> print_endline
- end
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module Encode_demo = struct
- module Dict = Encode_dict (struct
- let capacity = 42
- end)
- module Encode = Encode (Encoder (Dict))
- let run input = input
- |> Encode.string_to_list
- |> List.iter (Printf.printf "%d ") ;
- print_endline ""
- let _ =
- run "TOTO" ;
- print_endline "20 15 2 5 15 18 14 15 20 27 29 31 36 30 32 34"
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module type Decoder_dict = sig
- type t
- val reset_code : int
- val make : unit -> t
- val add : t -> string -> unit
- val find_opt : t -> int -> string option
- val reset : t -> unit
- val size : t -> int
- end
- module Decoder (Dict : Decoder_dict) = struct
- let append_first w s =
- w ^ String.sub s 0 1
- module State = struct
- type t =
- { seq : string
- ; code : int }
- end
- module Change = struct
- type t =
- | First of string
- | Found of found
- | Reset
- | Not_found
- and found =
- { emit_seq : string
- ; dict_seq : string }
- end
- type find_opt = int -> string option
- type size = unit -> int
- let decode ~find_opt ~size state =
- let { State. seq ; code } = state in
- if code = Dict.reset_code then
- Change.Reset
- else if seq = "" then
- match find_opt code with
- | Some v -> Change.First v
- | None -> Change.Not_found
- else
- match find_opt code with
- | Some v ->
- Change.Found
- { emit_seq = v
- ; dict_seq = append_first seq v }
- | None ->
- if code = size () + 1 then
- let v = append_first seq seq in
- Change.Found
- { emit_seq = v
- ; dict_seq = append_first seq v }
- else
- Change.Not_found
- type env =
- { mutable seq : string
- ; dict : Dict.t }
- let make_env () =
- { seq = "" ; dict = Dict.make () }
- exception Invalid_input
- let update env = function
- | Change.First seq ->
- env.seq <- seq ;
- | Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- Dict.add env.dict dict_seq ;
- env.seq <- emit_seq
- | Change.Reset ->
- Dict.reset env.dict ;
- | Change.Not_found ->
- raise Invalid_input
- let emit = function
- | Change.First seq -> [ seq ]
- | Change.Found v -> [ v.emit_seq ]
- | Change.Reset -> []
- | Change.Not_found -> raise Invalid_input
- let make () =
- let env = make_env () in
- let as_state code = { State. seq = env.seq ; code = code } in
- let decode = decode
- ~find_opt:(Dict.find_opt env.dict)
- ~size:(fun _ -> Dict.size env.dict)
- in
- fun code -> code
- |> as_state
- |> decode
- |> chain (update env)
- |> emit
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module Decoder_test = struct
- module Dict_stub = struct
- type t = unit
- let reset_code = 42
- let make () = ()
- let add d s = ()
- let find_opt d = function
- | 1 -> Some "A"
- | 2 -> Some "B"
- | 3 -> Some "AB"
- | 4 -> Some "BB"
- | _ -> None
- let size d = 4
- let reset d = ()
- end
- module D = Decoder (Dict_stub)
- let name = "decode"
- let _ =
- "TEST : " ^ name |> print_endline;
- let dict = Dict_stub.make () in
- let decode = D.decode
- ~find_opt:(Dict_stub.find_opt dict)
- ~size:(fun _ -> Dict_stub.size dict)
- in
- ( match decode { seq = "" ; code = 1 } with
- | D.Change.First seq ->
- assert (seq = "A")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "A" ; code = 1 } with
- | D.Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- assert (emit_seq = "A") ;
- assert (dict_seq = "AA")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "A" ; code = 2 } with
- | D.Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- assert (emit_seq = "B") ;
- assert (dict_seq = "AB")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "B" ; code = 1 } with
- | D.Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- assert (emit_seq = "A") ;
- assert (dict_seq = "BA")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "B" ; code = 2 } with
- | D.Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- assert (emit_seq = "B") ;
- assert (dict_seq = "BB")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "AB" ; code = 3 } with
- | D.Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- assert (emit_seq = "AB") ;
- assert (dict_seq = "ABA")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "A" ; code = 4 } with
- | D.Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- assert (emit_seq = "BB") ;
- assert (dict_seq = "AB")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "B" ; code = 4 } with
- | D.Change.Found { emit_seq ; dict_seq } ->
- assert (emit_seq = "BB") ;
- assert (dict_seq = "BB")
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "" ; code = 42 } with
- | D.Change.Reset -> ()
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "A" ; code = 42 } with
- | D.Change.Reset -> ()
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "B" ; code = 42 } with
- | D.Change.Reset -> ()
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "AB" ; code = 42 } with
- | D.Change.Reset -> ()
- | _ -> assert false );
- ( match decode { seq = "BB" ; code = 42 } with
- | D.Change.Reset -> ()
- | _ -> assert false );
- "PASS : " ^ name |> print_endline
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module type Code_decoder = sig
- val make : unit -> int -> string list
- end
- module Decode (Dec : Code_decoder) = struct
- let list_to_string xs =
- let tokens = ref [] in
- let push t = tokens := t :: !tokens in
- let push_all = List.iter push in
- let decode = Dec.make () in
- let f c = c |> decode |> push_all in
- List.iter f xs ;
- List.rev !tokens |> String.concat ""
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module type Decode_conf = sig
- val capacity : int
- val alphabet : string
- end
- module Decode_dict (Conf : Decode_conf) = struct
- let _ =
- let cap = Conf.capacity in
- let alpha_len = String.length Conf.alphabet in
- assert (cap > 0) ;
- assert (alpha_len <= cap) ;
- let module CS = Set.Make (Char) in
- let unique = Conf.alphabet |> String.to_seq |> CS.of_seq in
- assert (alpha_len = CS.cardinal unique)
- type t = (int, string) Hashtbl.t
- let reset_code = Conf.capacity + 1
- let reset dict =
- Hashtbl.clear dict ;
- let map (i, c) = (i+1, String.make 1 c) in
- Conf.alphabet
- |> String.to_seqi
- |> Seq.map map
- |> Hashtbl.add_seq dict
- let make () =
- let dict = Hashtbl.create Conf.capacity in
- reset dict ;
- dict
- let size = Hashtbl.length
- exception Capacity_overflow
- let add dict key =
- (* if size dict = Conf.capacity then raise Capacity_overflow ; *)
- Hashtbl.add dict (Hashtbl.length dict + 1) key
- let find_opt = Hashtbl.find_opt
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module Decode_test = struct
- let _ =
- let module Dict = Decode_dict (struct
- let capacity = 42
- end) in
- let module Decode = Decode (Decoder (Dict)) in
- let name = "list_to_string" in
- "TEST : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- let input =
- [ 20; 15; 2; 5; 15; 18; 14; 15
- ; 20; 27; 29; 31; 36; 30; 32; 34 ]
- in
- let actual = Decode.list_to_string input in
- if actual = expected then
- "PASS : " ^ name |> print_endline
- else begin
- "FAIL : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- " expected: " ^ expected |> print_endline ;
- " actual: " ^ actual |> print_endline
- end
- let _ =
- let module Dict = Decode_dict (struct
- let capacity = 26
- end) in
- let module Decode = Decode (Decoder (Dict)) in
- let name = "string_to_list (with overflow)" in
- "TEST : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- let input = [20; 27; 15; 27; 2; 27; 5; 27; 20; 27; 15; 27] in
- let expected = "TOBETO" in
- let actual = Decode.list_to_string input in
- if actual = expected then
- "PASS : " ^ name |> print_endline
- else begin
- "FAIL : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- " expected: " ^ expected |> print_endline ;
- " actual: " ^ actual |> print_endline
- end
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module Decode_demo = struct
- module Dict = Decode_dict (struct
- let capacity = 42
- end)
- module Decode = Decode (Decoder (Dict))
- let run input = input
- |> Decode.list_to_string
- |> print_endline
- let _ =
- run [ 20; 15; 27 ] ;
- run [ 20; 15; 2; 5; 15; 18; 14; 15; 20; 27; 29; 31; 36; 30; 32; 34 ] ;
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module type Full_conf = sig
- val capacity : int
- val alphabet : string
- end
- module Full_coder (Conf : Full_conf) = struct
- module Encode = Encode (Encoder (Encode_dict (Conf)))
- module Decode = Decode (Decoder (Decode_dict (Conf)))
- type decoded = string
- type encoded = int list
- let encode = Encode.string_to_list
- let decode = Decode.list_to_string
- end
- (* ================================================================ *)
- module type Coder = sig
- type decoded = string
- type encoded
- val encode : decoded -> encoded
- val decode : encoded -> decoded
- end
- module Full_test (C : Coder) = struct
- let test input =
- let result = input |> C.encode |> C.decode in
- assert (result = input)
- let name = "full"
- let _ =
- "TEST : " ^ name |> print_endline ;
- test "TOTO" ;
- test "TOBEOR" ;
- "PASS : " ^ name |> print_endline
- end
- module Test = struct
- module Conf = struct
- let capacity = 42
- end
- module Coder = Full_coder (Conf)
- module T = Full_test (Coder)
- end
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