[ocaml] LZW-simple
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- (**
- LZW encode : string -> int list
- *)
- let encode s =
- let dict = Hashtbl.create (String.length alphabet) in
- let add_to_dictionary w = Hashtbl.add dict w (Hashtbl.length dict + 1) in
- let is_in_dictionary = Hashtbl.mem dict in
- let input = ref "" in
- let output = ref [] in
- let emit_index_of w = output := Hashtbl.find dict w :: !output in
- alphabet |> String.iter (fun c -> c |> String.make 1 |> add_to_dictionary) ;
- for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
- let c = String.sub s i 1 in
- let w = !input in
- let wc = w ^ c in
- if wc |> is_in_dictionary then
- input := wc
- else begin
- emit_index_of w ;
- input := c ;
- add_to_dictionary wc
- end
- done ;
- emit_index_of !input ;
- List.rev !output
- (**
- LZW decode : int list -> string
- *)
- let decode codes =
- match codes with
- | [] -> ""
- | first_code :: rest_codes ->
- let dict = Hashtbl.create (String.length alphabet) in
- let add_to_dictionary w = Hashtbl.add dict (Hashtbl.length dict + 1) w in
- let word_for = Hashtbl.find_opt dict in
- let first_symbol_of s = String.sub s 0 1 in
- alphabet |> String.iter (fun c -> c |> String.make 1 |> add_to_dictionary) ;
- let first = (match word_for first_code with Some w -> w | None -> failwith "invalid input") in
- let output = ref first in
- let previous = ref first in
- let emit w = output := !output ^ w ; previous := w in
- rest_codes |> List.iter (fun code ->
- match word_for code with
- | Some w ->
- let v = !previous ^ first_symbol_of w in
- add_to_dictionary v ;
- emit w
- | None ->
- let v = !previous ^ first_symbol_of !previous in
- add_to_dictionary v ;
- emit v
- );
- !output
- (* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- let _ =
- print_endline test_phrase ;
- let encoded = encode test_phrase in
- List.iter (Printf.printf "%d ") encoded ; print_endline "" ;
- let decoded = decode encoded in
- print_endline decoded
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