[text] dfdfd


  1.     {
  2.     "HEADING": "Login",
  4.     "PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER": "Password",
  5.     "REMEMBER_ME": "Remember Me",
  6.     "FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot Password?",
  7.     "LOGIN_BUTTON": "Login",
  8.     "DINT_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Don’t have an account?",
  9.     "SIGN_UP": "Sign Up",
  10.     "EMAIL_OR_MOBILE_REQUIRED": "Please enter your email.",
  11.     "NUMBER_MAX_LENGTH": "Mobile number cannot be longer than 15 characters.",
  12.     "VALID_EMAIL_MOBILE": "Please enter a valid email or mobile number.",
  13.     "CREATE_AN_ACCOUNT": "Create an account",
  14.     "BUSINESS_TAB": "Business",
  15.     "UPLOAD_PROFILE": "Upload Profile",
  16.     "USER_TAB": "User",
  17.     "FULL_NAME_LABEL": "Full Name",
  18.     "BIO": "Bio",
  19.     "SIGN_UP_LINK": "Sign Up",
  20.     "NEXT_LINK": "Next",
  21.     "FULL_NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your full name",
  22.     "AGREE_PRIVACY_TERMS": "By Continuing, I accept Laparizones ",
  23.     "PRIVACY": "Privacy Policy ",
  24.     "AND": "and ",
  25.     "TERMS": "Terms & Conditions.",
  26.     "FULL_NAME_REQUIRED": "The full name is required.",
  27.     "MIN_LENGTH": "The full name must be at least 2 characters.",
  28.     "MAX_LENGTH": "The full name cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  29.     "BIO_MAX_LENGTH": "Bio cannot be longer than 500 characters.",
  30.     "BIO_REQUIRED": "Bio is required.",
  31.     "MOBILE_MAX_LENGTH": "Mobile number cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  32.     "MOBILE_MIN_LENGTH": "Mobile number should be at least 4 characters long.",
  33.     "EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter email",
  34.     "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Email address is required.",
  35.     "VALID_EMAIL": "Please enter valid email",
  36.     "EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH": "Email cannot be longer than 64 characters.",
  37.     "PASSWORD_LABEL": "Password",
  38.     "CONFIRM_LABEL": "Confirm Password",
  39.     "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Password is required.",
  40.     "PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH": "Password cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  41.     "PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH": "Password must be at least 6 characters.",
  42.     "PRIVACY_POLICY": "Privacy Policy.",
  43.     "LOGIN_LINK": "Login",
  44.     "SET_LOCATION": "Set Your Location",
  45.     "CONTINUE_BUTTON": "Continue",
  46.     "MOBILE_NUM_REQUIRED": "Mobile number is required!",
  47.     "FORGOT_HEADING": "Forgot Password?",
  48.     "FORGOT_MSG": "Please enter your email address, and we will send you instructions about changing your password.",
  49.     "RESET_PASSWORD_BUTTON": "Reset password",
  50.     "OR": "Or",
  51.     "BACK_TO_LOGIN": "Back to Login",
  52.     "EMAIL_LABEL": "Please enter your verified email address",
  53.     "EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER": "Email",
  54.     "SEND_BUTTON": "Send",
  55.     "VERIFICATION_CODE": "verification code",
  56.     "WE_SENT_CODE": "We sent the verification code on your email",
  57.     "INVALID_CODE": "Oops! It seems the OTP field is empty. Please provide a valid OTP to proceed.",
  58.     "DINT_RECEIVE": "receive the email?",
  59.     "RESEND_CODE": "Click to resend",
  60.     "RESEND_TIMER": "Resend OTP in",
  61.     "SEC": "sec",
  62.     "RESET_HEAD": "Reset Password",
  63.     "RESET_INSTRUCTION": "We’ve sent you password reset instruction",
  64.     "CLICK_RESET_BUTTON": "Click on reset button to reset your password.",
  65.     "NOT_RECEIVE": "Not seen the email?",
  66.     "RESEND": "Resend",
  67.     "CHECK_MAIL_IN": "Check mail in",
  68.     "DINT": "Didn't",
  69.     "VERIFICATION": "Verification",
  70.     "VERIFY_HEADING": "Verify your email address!",
  71.     "CONFIRM_MSG": "We sent the verification code on your email",
  72.     "VERIFICATION_EMAIL": "We’ve sent verification email",
  73.     "VERIFICATION_CLICK": "Click on verify button to activate your account.",
  74.     "NOT_RECEIVE": "receive the email?",
  75.     "CLICK": "click the",
  76.     "RESEND_CODE": "Resend OTP",
  77.     "RESEND": "Resend",
  78.     "CODE": "Didn’t received the code?",
  79.     "VALID_OTP": "Oops! It seems the OTP field is empty. Please provide a valid OTP to proceed.",
  80.     "CONFIRM_EMAIL": "Confirm Email",
  81.     "VERIFY_BUTTON": "Verify",
  82.     "RESET_HEADING": "Reset Password",
  83.     "RESET_MSG": "Your new password must be different from previous used password.",
  84.     "PASSWORD_IDENTICAL": "Password and Confirm Password should be identical.",
  85.     "CONFIRM_PASS_MAX_LENGTH": "Confirm Password cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  86.     "CONFIRM_PASS_MIN_LENGTH": "Confirm Password should be at least 6 characters long.",
  87.     "NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password",
  88.     "NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "New Password is required",
  89.     "CONFIRM_PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Confirm Password is required",
  90.     "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password",
  91.     "PASSWORD_MATCH": " Password is not match.",
  92.     "NEW_PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter New Password",
  93.     "CONFIRM_PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER": "Confirm New Password",
  94.     "BUSINESS_HEAD": "Business Info",
  95.     "BUSINESS_HOURS": "Select Business Hours",
  96.     "BUSINESS_PROOF": "Proof of business ownership",
  97.     "BUSINESS_DOCUMENT": "What document you can upload",
  98.     "UPLOAD_ANYONE": "Upload anyone from these",
  99.     "BUSINESS_REG_DOC__LABEL": "Business registration documents:",
  100.     "BUSINESS_REG_DOC_EX": "Such as articles of incorporation, certificate of formation, or business license.",
  101.     "BUSINESS_BANK_STATEMENT_LABEL": "Business bank statements:",
  102.     "BUSINESS_BANK_STATEMENT_EX": "Showing business transactions and account ownership.",
  103.     "BUSINESS_INSURANCE_LABEL": "Business insurance policies:",
  104.     "BUSINESS_INSURANCE_EX": "Such as liability insurance or property insurance in the business's name.",
  105.     "CONTRACT_ARG": "Business contracts or agreements:",
  106.     "CONTRACT_ARG_EX": "Including partnership agreements, client contracts, or vendor agreements.",
  107.     "PROPERTY_LABEL": "Property deeds or leases:",
  108.     "PROPERTY_EX": "Demonstrating ownership or tenancy of business premises.",
  109.     "INTELLECTUAL_DOC_LABEL": "Intellectual property documents:",
  110.     "INTELLECTUAL_DOC_EX": "Such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights registered in the business's name.",
  111.     "FINANCIAL_STAT_LABEL": "Financial statements:",
  112.     "FINANCIAL_STAT_EX": "Such as balance sheets, profit and loss statements, or cash flow statements.",
  113.     "UTILITY_BIL_LABEL": "Utility bills or invoices:",
  114.     "UTILITY_BIL_EX": "Showing services provided to the business address.",
  115.     "CREDIT_REPORT_LABEL": "Business credit reports:",
  116.     "CREDIT_REPORT_EX": "Demonstrating credit accounts and payment history associated with the business.",
  117.     "AFFILIATION_LABEL": "Membership or affiliation documents:",
  118.     "AFFILIATION_EX": "With industry organizations or chambers of commerce.",
  119.     "ADDRESS_PLACEHOLDER": "Business address",
  120.     "LINK_PLACEHOLDER": "Website Link",
  121.     "ABOUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Write About Business",
  122.     "BUSINESS_ADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Business address is required.",
  123.     "BUSINESS_HOURS_REQUIRED": "Business hours is required",
  124.     "PLEASE_SELECT_DOC": "Please select document for proof",
  125.     "WEBSITE_LINK_REQUIRED": "Website link is required.",
  126.     "SELECT_BUSINESS_HOURS":"Please select your business hours",
  127.     "BUSINESS_DAY_REQUIRED":"Please select atleast one day.",
  128.     "HEADING": "Change Password",
  129.     "OLD_PASS_REQUIRED": "Old Password is required.",
  130.     "PASS_MIN_LENGTH": "Old Password should be at least 6 characters long.",
  131.     "PASS_MAX_LENGTH": "Old Password cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  132.     "NEW_PASS_REQUIRED": "New Password is required.",
  133.     "NEW_PASS_MIN_LENGTH": "New Password should be at least 6 characters long.",
  134.     "NEW_PASS_MAX_LENGTH": "New Password cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  135.     "CONFIRM_PASS_REQUIRED": "Confirm Password is required.",
  136.     "CONFIRM_PASS_MIN_LENGTH": "Confirm Password should be at least 6 characters long.",
  137.     "CONFIRM_PASS_MAX_LENGTH": "Confirm Password cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  138.     "CONFIRM_PASS_IDENTICAL": "Password and Confirm Password should be identical.",
  139.     "OLD_PASS_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter Old Password",
  140.     "NEW_PASS_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter New Password",
  141.     "CONFIRM_NEW_PASS_PLACEHOLDER": "Confirm New Password",
  142.     "UPDATE_BUTTON": "Update",
  143.     "HEAD": "Setup Business Hours",
  144.     "MONDAY": "monday",
  145.     "TUESDAY": "tuesday",
  146.     "WEDNESDAY": "wednesday",
  147.     "THURSDAY": "thursday",
  148.     "FRIDAY": "friday",
  149.     "SATURDAY": "saturday",
  150.     "SUNDAY": "sunday",
  151.     "FROM": "from",
  152.     "TO": "to",
  153.     "RESET_BUTTON": "Reset",
  154.     "SAVE_BUTTON": "Save",
  155.     "REGISTRATION_SUCCESS": "Registration successfully.",
  156.     "AGREE_TERM_CONDITION_ERROR": "Please agree the terms & conditions.",
  157.     "PASS_CHANGE_SUCCESS": "Password Change Successfully, Please login again!",
  158.     "SUCCESS": "Success!",
  159.     "CURRENT_LOCATION": "Use My Current Location",
  160.     "HEAD": "Messages",
  161.     "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search User or Contacts",
  162.     "WELCOME": "Welcome",
  163.     "WELCOME_DESC": "Search for someone to start chatting with or go to Contacts to see who is available.",
  165.     "TYPE_MSG": "Type your message",
  166.     "REPLY": "Reply",
  167.     "EDIT": "Edit",
  168.     "DELETE": "Delete",
  169.     "FILE": "file",
  170.     "DOWNLOAD": "Download",
  171.     "MSG_DELETED": "This message was deleted",
  172.     "UNREAD_MSG": "Unread messages",
  173.     "DELETE_TITLE": "Would you like to delete this message? This cannot be undone.",
  174.     "DELETE_BUTTON": "Delete",
  175.     "CANCEL_BUTTON": "Cancel",
  176.     "YOU_BLOCKED": "You Blocked",
  177.     "BLOCKED_YOU": "blocked you",
  178.     "REPORT": "Report",
  179.     "BLOCK": "Block",
  180.     "UN_BLOCK": "Unblock",
  181.     "TYPING": "Typing",
  182.     "ONLINE": "Online",
  183.     "LAST_SEEN": "Last seen",
  184.     "BLOCK_TITLE": "Would you like to",
  185.     "THIS_USER": "this user?",
  186.     "MEMBERS_ARE": " members are ",
  187.     "AND": " and ",
  188.     "IS": " is ",
  189.     "CURRENT_LOCATION": "Current Location",
  190.     "MY_PROFILE": "My Profile",
  191.     "BLOCKED_PROFILE": "Blocked People",
  192.     "DONATION": "Donation",
  193.     "BANK_DETAIL": "Bank Detail",
  194.     "SUBSCRIPTION": "Subscription",
  195.     "SETTINGS": "Settings",
  196.     "HOME": "Home",
  197.     "DISCOVER": "Discover",
  198.     "MY_EVENT": "My Events",
  199.     "MESSAGE": "Messages",
  200.     "NOTIFICATIONS": "Notifications",
  201.     "CREATE_EVENT": "Create Event",
  202.     "CHANGE_PASS": "Change Password",
  203.     "LOGOUT": "Logout",
  204.     "CONTACT_US": "Contact us",
  205.     "PRIVACY_POLICY": "Privacy Policy",
  206.     "TERMS_CONDITION": "Terms & Conditions",
  207.     "JUST_NOW": "just now",
  208.     "MY_ACCOUNT": "My Account",
  209.     "ADD_LOCATION": "Add Your Location",
  210.     "UPDATE_BUTTON": "Update",
  212.     "DELETE_HTML": "Are you sure you want to delete notification?",
  213.     "CONFIRM_BUTTON": "Yes",
  214.     "CANCEL_BUTTON": "No",
  215.     "LOGOUT_TITLE": "Are you sure you want to logout your account?",
  216.     "TITLE": "Are you sure you want to",
  217.     "FOLLOW": "Follow",
  218.     "UN_FOLLOW": "Unfollow",
  219.     "STARTED": "Started",
  220.     "UP_COMING": "Upcoming",
  221.     "PAST": "Past",
  222.     "CREATE_EVENT_POST": "Create Event",
  223.     "UPDATE_EVENT": "Update Event",
  224.     "HEAD": "Claim Event",
  225.     "CLAIM_EVENT": "Claim Event",
  226.     "EVENT": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.",
  227.     "AGREE": "I agree to",
  228.     "DISCLOSURE_TERMS": "disclosure terms.",
  229.     "SUGGEST_EDIT": "Suggest edit?",
  230.     "ENDING": "Ending",
  231.     "STARTING": "Starting",
  232.     "TOMORROW_AT": "Tomorrow at",
  233.     "UPLOAD_ANYONE": "Upload anyone from these",
  234.     "CONTINUE_BUTTON": "Continue",
  235.     "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
  236.     "ATTENDEES": "Attendees",
  237.     "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "Submit",
  238.     "IS_EVENT_RECURRING": "Is Event Recurring?",
  239.     "IS_EVENT_PAID": "Is Event Paid?",
  240.     "ADD_LIVE_OPTION": "Add live option to user",
  241.     "EVENT_DATE_LABEL": "Event Date",
  242.     "START_TIME_LABEL": "Start Time",
  243.     "END_TIME_LABEL": "End Time",
  244.     "UPLOAD_IMAGE": "Upload Image",
  245.     "DAILY": "Daily",
  246.     "WEEKLY": "Weekly",
  247.     "MONTHLY": "Monthly",
  248.     "PRICE_START_FROM":"Price Starts From",
  249.     "TITLE":"Title",
  250.     "LOCATION":"Location",
  251.     "MEDIA_LIMIT": "You can only upload up to 10 media in a post. Please select fewer files and try again.",
  252.     "VIDEO_SIZE_LIMIT":"Video size cannot be longer than 500MB",
  253.     "IMAGE_REQUIRED":"Image is required.",
  254.     "TITLE_REQUIRED":"Title is required.",
  255.     "LOCATION_REQUIRED":"Location is required.",
  256.     "START_DATE_REQUIRED":"Start Date is required.",
  257.     "START_TIME_REQUIRED":"Start Time is required.",
  258.     "END_TIME_REQUIRED":"End Time is required.",
  259.     "RECURRING_TYPE_REQUIRED":"Recurring Type is required.",
  260.     "TICKET_REQUIRED":"Ticket Price is required.",
  261.     "END_DATE":"End Date",
  262.     "MAX_TICKET_PRICE":"Max ticket price is $10000000",
  263.     "GO_LIVE_BUTTON": "Go Live",
  264.     "TICKET_FROM": "Ticket From",
  265.     "DETAIL_HEAD": "Detail",
  266.     "DELETE": "Delete",
  267.     "EDIT": "Edit",
  268.     "VIEW_MAP": "View on Map",
  269.     "START": "Start",
  270.     "END": "End",
  271.     "COMMENT_HEAD": "Comments",
  272.     "LOAD_MORE": "Load More",
  273.     "REPLY_TO": "Reply to",
  274.     "VIEW": "View",
  275.     "REPLY": "Reply",
  276.     "LIKE": "Like",
  277.     "LIKES": "Likes",
  278.     "SHOW": "Show",
  279.     "HIDE": "Hide",
  280.     "MORE_REPLY": "more replies",
  281.     "WRITE_HERE": "Write Here...",
  282.     "WHY_REPORT": "Why are you reporting",
  283.     "REPORT_HEAD": "Report",
  284.     "EVENT_HEAD": "Events",
  285.     "HEAD": "Explore",
  286.     "ALL": "All",
  287.     "RELIGION": "Religion",
  288.     "BUSINESS": "Business",
  289.     "NIGHT_LIFE": "Night life",
  290.     "KIDS": "Kids",
  291.     "SPORTING": "Sporting",
  292.     "EATS_AND_DRINKS": "Eats and drinks,",
  293.     "FILTER_HEAD": "Filter",
  294.     "SEARCH_EVENT_BY": "Search Events by",
  295.     "TODAY": "Today",
  296.     "NEXT_WEEK": "Next Week",
  297.     "NEXT_MONTH": "Next Month",
  298.     "CUSTOM": "Custom",
  299.     "DISTANCE": "Distance",
  300.     "SAVE_CHANGES_BUTTON": "Save Changes",
  301.     "APPLY_BUTTON": "Apply",
  302.     "MILES": "Miles",
  303.     "INTEREST_HEAD": "Interests",
  304.     "POST_HEAD": "Posts",
  305.     "RECOMMENDED_BUSINESSES": "Recommended Businesses",
  306.     "VIEW_ALL": "View All",
  307.     "VIEW_MORE": "View More",
  308.     "SELECT_MONTH":"Select Month",
  309.     "SEARCH":"Search",
  310.     "JANUARY":"January",
  311.     "FEBRUARY":"February",
  312.     "MARCH":"March",
  313.     "APRIL":"April",
  314.     "MAY":"May",
  315.     "JUNE":"June",
  316.     "JULY":"July",
  317.     "AUGUST":"August",
  318.     "SEPTEMBER":"September",
  319.     "OCTOBER":"October",
  320.     "NOVEMBER":"November",
  321.     "DECEMBER":"December",
  322.     "CONFIRM_BUTTON": "Yes",
  323.     "CANCEL_BUTTON": "Cancel",
  324.     "TITLE": "Are you sure you want to",
  325.     "FOLLOW": "Follow",
  326.     "UN_FOLLOW": "Unfollow",
  327.     "BLOCK_TITLE": "Are you sure you want to block",
  328.     "BLOCK_CONFIRM_BUTTON": "Block",
  329.     "BLOCK_THE": "block the",
  330.     "UN_FOLLOW_TITLE": "Are you sure you want to unfollow",
  331.     "DELETE": "Are you sure you want to delete?",
  332.     "CONFIRM_DELETE": "Yes, delete it!",
  334.     "ALL": "all",
  335.     "NOTIFICATION": "notification",
  336.     "NO": "No",
  337.     "DELETE_BANK_DETAIL": "Bank Detail Deleted Successfully!",
  338.     "FOLLOW_SUCCESS": "Follow Successfully!",
  339.     "UN_FOLLOW_SUCCESS": "Unfollow Successfully!",
  340.     "BLOCK_SUCCESS": "User Blocked Successfully!",
  341.     "UNBLOCK_SUCCESS": "User Unblock Successfully!",
  342.     "THANK_FOR_GETTING_TOUCH": "Thank you for getting in touch with us!",
  343.     "NOTIFICATION_DELETED": "Notification Deleted Successfully!",
  344.     "SUCCESS": "Success!",
  345.     "DELETE_SUCCESS": "Deleted Successfully!",
  346.     "REGISTER_SUCCESS": "Register successfully!",
  347.     "PROFILE_REPORTED": "Profile reported Successfully!",
  348.     "PROFILE_UPDATED": "Profile Updated Successfully!",
  349.     "ERROR_LOADING_MAP": "Error loading maps",
  350.     "LOADING_MAP": "Loading map",
  351.     "GOOGLE_MAP_HEAD": "Event Location",
  352.     "CLOSE_BUTTON": "Close",
  353.     "ALREADY_JOIN_MESSAGE": "You have already joined a stream, Please leave stream first and then join other stream!",
  354.     "CLOSE_BUTTON": "Close",
  355.     "CONFIRMATION_TITLE": "Confirmation",
  356.     "ARE_YOU_SURE_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to",
  357.     "END": "end",
  358.     "LEAVE": "leave",
  359.     "STOP":"Stop",
  360.     "THE_STREAM": "the stream?",
  361.     "HOST":"Host",
  362.     "LEFT":"left",
  363.     "FROM_STREAMING":"from Streaming.",
  364.     "GO_LIVE":"Go Live",
  365.     "TEXT_AREA_PLACEHOLDER":"Enter Description",
  366.     "DISCLOSURE":"Disclosure",
  367.     "MY_ACCOUNT": "My Account",
  368.     "PROFILE": "Profile",
  369.     "NOTIFICATIONS": "Notifications",
  370.     "LANGUAGES": "Languages",
  371.     "NEXT_BUTTON": "Next",
  372.     "TREND_HEADING": "Trending Businesses",
  373.     "BLOCK_HEAD": "Block",
  374.     "NO_RECORD": "NO RECORD FOUND",
  376.     "NO_RECORD_CONVERSATION_DESC": "Currently, there are no conversations available. start a new conversation or check back later for updates and interactions with other users.",
  377.     "NO_NOTIFICATION": "No Notification",
  378.     "NO_NOTIFICATION_DESC": "Clutter cleared! We’ll notify you when there is something new",
  379.     "ATTENDEES": "Attendees",
  380.     "VIEW_MORE": "View More",
  381.     "NO_POST_CREATE": "No event Created Yet!",
  382.     "NO_POST_DESC": "There are currently no event created. Start to share your thoughts by creating a new event.",
  383.     "NO_POST_MATCHING": "No Event Matching your Interests",
  384.     "NO_SEARCH": "No Event/Business Matching your Interests",
  385.     "NO_POST_MATCHING_DESC": "There are currently no event tailored to your specified interests. Broaden your preferences or explore other topics to discover engaging content.",
  386.     "RECOMMENDED_BUSINESSES": "Recommended Businesses",
  387.     "SELECT_INTEREST": "Select Interests",
  388.     "LANGUAGES": "Language",
  389.     "MY_FAV": "My Favorites",
  390.     "MY_JOIN_EVENTS": "Attended Events",
  391.     "MY_SUB": "My Subscription",
  392.     "SET_BUSINESS_HOURS": "Setup Business Hours",
  393.     "BLOCKED": "Blocked",
  394.     "NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Full Name",
  395.     "EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER": "Email",
  396.     "BIO_PLACEHOLDER": "Bio",
  397.     "SAVE_BUTTON": "Save",
  398.     "USER": "User",
  399.     "EDIT_PROFILE": "Edit Profile",
  400.     "FULL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH": "Full name cannot be longer than 30 characters.",
  401.     "FULL_NAME_MIN_LENGTH": "Full name should be at least 3 characters long.",
  402.     "FULL_NAME_REQUIRED": "Full name is required.",
  403.     "BIO_MAX_LENGTH": "Bio cannot be longer than 500 characters",
  404.     "BIO_REQUIRED": "Please enter Bio.",
  405.     "INTEREST_MIN_LENGTH": "Select minimum one interest",
  406.     "REMOVE": "Remove",
  407.     "UPDATE_BUTTON": "Update",
  408.     "INVALID_WEB_ADDRESS": "invalid web address!",
  409.     "SELECT_LANGUAGE": "Select Preferred Language",
  410.     "ENGLISH": "English",
  411.     "RUSSIAN": "Russian",
  412.     "HINDI": "Hindi",
  413.     "SPANISH": "Spanish",
  414.     "FRENCH": "French",
  415.     "CHINESE": "Chinese",
  416.     "SELECT": "Select Your Interests",
  417.     "MIN_INTEREST": "Choose minimum 3 interest",
  418.     "RELIGION": "Religion",
  419.     "BUSINESS": "Business",
  420.     "NIGHT_LIFE": "Night life",
  421.     "KIDS": "Kids",
  422.     "SPORTING": "Sporting",
  423.     "EATS_DRINKS": "Eats & Drinks",
  424.     "MUSIC_ARTS": "Music & Arts",
  425.     "WELLNESS": "Wellness",
  426.     "HOBBIES": "Hobbies",
  427.     "CONTINUE_BUTTON": "Continue",
  428.     "RESET_BUTTON": "Reset",
  429.     "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "Submit",
  430.     "LOCATION_REQUIRED": "Please select your location.",
  431.     "LOCATION_DESC": "To provide you the nearest events. Laparizone needs to know your current location",
  432.     "CURRENT_LOCATION": "Use My Current Location",
  433.     "LOCATION_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter Your Location",
  434.     "PLAN": "Subscription Plan",
  435.     "ACTIVE": "Active",
  436.     "PRIVACY_TERMS": "By continuing, you agree to your Privacy and Terms.",
  437.     "PURCHASE": "Purchase Plan",
  438.     "INFORMATION": "Information",
  439.     "FREE_USER": "Free Users",
  440.     "SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT": "Limit each business to 8 post per account/ monthly with maximum of 2 hours per even- if business want more than 8 post monthly or events that are more than 2 hours they will have to be a silver member -",
  441.     "SILVER_PLAN": "Silver members can post up to 30 events post  unlimited hours  - $19.99",
  442.     "GOLD_PLAN": "Gold member for up to 60 event post and unlimited hours - $39.99",
  443.     "FOR_YOU_TAB": "For You",
  444.     "FOLLOWING": "Followings",
  445.     "FOLLOWING_BUSINESS": "Following Business",
  446.     "UN_FOLLOW": "Unfollow",
  447.     "FOLLOW": "Follow",
  448.     "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search business/event name, location..",
  449.     "UPCOMING_EVENT": "Upcoming Events",
  450.     "HEAD": "Notifications",
  451.     "NOTIFICATION_DISABLE": "Notifications disabled",
  452.     "NOTIFICATION_ENABLE": "Notifications enabled.",
  453.     "CLEAR_ALL": "Clear All",
  454.     "DELETE_ALL_NOTIFICATION": "All notifications has been deleted successfully!",
  455.     "CONFIRM_BUTTON": "Yes",
  456.     "CANCEL_BUTTON": "Cancel",
  457.     "TITLE": "Are you sure you want to",
  458.     "FOLLOW": "Follow",
  459.     "UN_FOLLOW": "Unfollow",
  460.     "BLOCK_TITLE": "Are you sure you want to block",
  461.     "BLOCK_CONFIRM_BUTTON": "Block",
  462.     "BLOCK_THE": "block the",
  463.     "UN_FOLLOW_TITLE": "Are you sure you want to unfollow",
  464.     "DELETE": "Are you sure you want to delete",
  465.     "CONFIRM_DELETE": "Yes, delete it!",
  467.     "ALL": "all",
  468.     "NOTIFICATION": "Notification",
  469.     "NO": "No",
  470.     "DELETE_BANK_DETAIL": "Bank Detail Deleted Successfully!",
  471.     "FOLLOW_SUCCESS": "Follow Successfully!",
  472.     "UN_FOLLOW_SUCCESS": "Unfollow Successfully!",
  473.     "BLOCK_SUCCESS": "User Blocked Successfully!",
  474.     "UNBLOCK_SUCCESS": "User Unblock Successfully!",
  475.     "THANK_FOR_GETTING_TOUCH": "Thank you for getting in touch with us!",
  476.     "NOTIFICATION_DELETED": "Notification Deleted Successfully!",
  477.     "SUCCESS": "Success!",
  478.     "DELETE_SUCCESS": "Deleted Successfully!",
  479.     "REGISTER_SUCCESS": "Register successfully!",
  480.     "PROFILE_REPORTED": "Profile reported Successfully!",
  481.     "PROFILE_UPDATED": "Profile Updated Successfully!",
  482.     "SHARE": "Share with Friends",
  483.     "FACEBOOK": "Facebook",
  484.     "TWITTER": "Twitter",
  485.     "WHATSAPP": "Whatsapp",
  486.     "LINKED_IN": "Linked In",
  487.     "COPY_LINK": "Copy Link",
  488.     "CLOSE": "Close",
  489.     "COPY_LINK_PLACEHOLDER": "copy link",
  490.     "SHARE_FEED": "share feed",
  491.     "TITLE": "Share",
  492.     "LINK_COPIED": "Link Copied!",
  493.     "PRIVACY_POLICY_HEAD": "Privacy Policy",
  494.     "TERM_CONDITIONS_HEAD": "Terms & Conditions",
  495.     "CONTACT_US": "Contact Us",
  496.     "EMAIL": "Email",
  497.     "NAME": "Name",
  498.     "MESSAGE": "Message",
  499.     "DESC_PLACEHOLDER": "Write Here...",
  500.     "EMAIL_LABEL": "Email",
  501.     "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Email address is required.",
  502.     "VALID_EMAIL": "Please enter a valid email address.",
  503.     "DESC_MIN_LENGTH": "Message should be at least 6 characters long.",
  504.     "DESC_REQUIRED": "Message is required.",
  505.     "EVENTS_HEAD": "Events",
  506.     "OPERATION_HOURS": "Operating Hours",
  507.     "FOLLOWING": "Following",
  508.     "FOLLOWERS": "Followers",
  509.     "FOLLOWER": "Follower",
  510.     "OPEN_NOW": "Open Now",
  511.     "SHARE_BUSINESS": "Share Business",
  512.     "UNBLOCK": "Unblock",
  513.     "CLOSED": "Closed",
  514.     "REASON_REPORT": "Report Reason",
  515.     "WHY_REPORT": "Why are you reporting",
  516.     "REPORT_HEAD": "Report",
  517.     "WEBSITE": "Website",
  518.     "CONTACT": "Contact",
  519.     "UPLOAD_IMAGE_TITLE": "Upload Image",
  520.     "PREVIEW": "Preview",
  521.     "CROP_IMAGE": "Crop Image",
  522.     "CHOOSE_FILE": "Choose File",
  523.     "IMAGE_PREVIEW": "Image Preview"
  524.     }


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