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  1. |    Meiosis       |        Mitosis
  2. --------------------------------------------------
  3. Purpose   |  Sexual reproduction | Growth, repair, 
  4.           |  Genetic diversity   | asexual reproduction
  5. --------------------------------------------------
  6. Number of |       Two rounds     |        One round
  7. divisions |                      |       
  8. --------------------------------------------------
  9. Number of |       Four daughter   |       Two daughter
  10. daughter  |      cells produced  |       cells produced
  11. cells     |      (haploid)       |       (diploid)
  12. --------------------------------------------------
  13. Genetic   |      Crossing over,  |       No crossing 
  14. variation |      random assortment|       over, no 
  15.           |      of chromosomes   |       recombination
  16. --------------------------------------------------
  17. Example   | Formation of gametes | Cell division in 
  18.           | (sperm, eggs)        | somatic cells


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  • 17 Apr-2024
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