[4cs] flowchart


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  1. Start collect
  2. ingredients
  3. and
  4. equipment
  6.                  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  7.                  │                     Safe Checks                    │
  8.                  │Step 1: Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly    │
  9.                  │with soap and dry with paper towels before         │
  10.                  │handling any ingredients. Use closed shoes and     │
  11.                  │aprons to ensure safety when cooking.             │
  12.                  └───────────────────────────────────┬───────────────┘
  13.                                                       │
  14.                                                       ┌───No───────────────────────────────┐
  15.                                                       │Are hands washed, shoes/aprons worn? │
  16.                                                       └──────────────────────┬───────────────┘
  17.                                                                              │ Yes
  18.                                                                              │
  19. Grease an oven-safe           Use gloves or mitts   ┌────────────────────────v─────────────┐
  20. dish with butter.  ┐         when handling hot      │                Step 2: Reheat the     │
  21. Ensure the oven is  │         surfaces. Apply        │                oven to 220°C.        │
  22. clear and free from any ├───────butter evenly on the ├───────────────────────┬───────────────┘
  23. obstructions.        │         dish to avoid         │                       │
  24.                      │         dripping and          │                       ┌───No───────────────────────┐
  25.                      │         burning.              │                       │Is oven preheated to 220°C? │
  26.                      │                               │                       └──────────────────────┬───────┘
  27.                      │                               │                                              │ Yes             
  28.                      │                               │                                              │
  29.                      │                               │                                              │
  30. Melt butter and      │         Microwave in 20-30    │                                             ▼
  31. chocolate in a       │         second intervals until│                                      ┌───────────────────┐
  32. microwave-safe ├───────────────melted and smooth.    ├───────────────────────────────────────►Step 3: Melt      │
  33. bowl.                │                               │                                       │Butter and         │
  34.                      │                               │                                       │Chocolate          │
  35.                      │                               │                                       └───┬───────────────┘
  36.                      │                               │                                           │
  37.                      │                               │        Use caution                        │
  38.                      │                               │        when removing                      │
  39.                      │                               │        hot bowls from                     │
  40.                      │                               │        the microwave to                   │Use microwave-
  41.                      │                               │        avoid burns.                       │safe bowls and
  42.                      │                               │                                           │utensils to avoid
  43.                      │                               │                                           │damage or injury.
  44.                      │                               │                                           │
  45.                      │                               │                                           ▼
  46. Use clean and dry    │          Ensure all           │                                    ┌───────────────────┐
  47. utensils for mixing  │          ingredients are      │     In another clean                │Step 4: Mix       │
  48. to avoid cross- ├───────────────fresh and free of    ├───────bowl, mix granulated           │Ingredients       │
  49. contamination.       │          contaminants.        │     sugar, eggs, all-               └──────────┬────────┘
  50.                      │                               │     purpose flour, vanilla                     │
  51.                      │                               │     extract, and a pinch                      │
  52.                      │                               │     of salt until                             │
  53.                      │                               │     combined.                                 │
  54.                      │                               │                                               │
  55.                      │                               │                                               │
  56. Stir gently to blend │                               │     Be careful not to                        │
  57. ingredients without  │                               │     spill any                                 │
  58. forming a mixture.   ├───────────────────────────────┼────ingredients and                           │
  59.                      │                               │     pour mixture                             │
  60.                      │                               │     slowly to avoid                          │
  61.                      │                               │     splashing.                               │
  62.                      │                               │                                              │
  63.                      │                               │                                              │
  64.                      │           Step 5: Combine     ├────────────────────────────────┐            ▼
  65.                      │               Mixtures         │                                 │    ┌───────────────────┐
  66.                      │                               │                                 │    │Pour melted butter │
  67.                      │                               │                                 │    │and chocolate      │
  68.                      │                               │                                 │    │mixture into the   │
  69.                      │                               │                                 │    │bowl with the egg  │
  70.                      │                               │                                 ┌────►mixture. Stir until
  71.                      │                               │                                 │    │smooth and well    │
  72.                      │                               │                                 │    │combined.          │
  73.                      │                               │                                 │    └─────────┬─────────┘
  74. Monitor the oven     │          Transfer mixture to  │                                 │              │
  75. closely to avoid     │           the preheated oven  │        Use caution when         │              │
  76. overcooking or ├───────────────and bake for 10-12    ├────────opening the oven         │              │
  77. burning.             │           minutes.            │        door to check            │              │
  78.                      │                               │        doneness to avoid        │              │
  79.                      │                               │        burns from steam.        │              │
  80.                      │                               │                                 │              ▼
  81.                      │                               │                                 │      ┌───────────────────┐
  82. Use a knife to       │           Place a plate on top│                                 │      │Step 6: Bake      │
  83. separate the edges of│           of the ramekin and  │                                 │      └─────────┬─────────┘
  84. the cake from the    ├───────────quickly flip it     ├───────────────────────────────────────┐                │
  85. ramekin.             │           over to remove the  │                                      │                │
  86.                      │           cake onto the plate.│                                      │                │
  87.                      │                               │                                      │                │
  88.                      │                               │                                      │                │
  89.                      │                               │       Add 1 scoop of ice cream or   │                │
  90.                      │                               ├───────sprinkle granulated sugar on  │                │
  91.                      │                               │       top. Let the cake cool slightly│                │
  92.                      │                               │       before serving to avoid burns.│                │
  93.                      │                               │                                      │                │
  94.                      │                               │                                      ▼                │
  95.                      │                               │                              ┌───────────────────┐    │
  96.                      │                               │                              │Step 7: Cool and   │    │
  97.                      │                               │                              │Serve              │    │
  98.                      │                               │                              └────────────┬───────┘    │
  99.                      │                               │                                           │            │
  100.                      │                               │                                           ▼            │
  101.                      │                               │                                    ┌───────────────────┐
  102.                      │                               │                                    │Carefully remove   │
  103.                      │                               │                                    │the Chocolate Lava │
  104.                      │                               │                                    │Cake from the oven │
  105.                      │                               │                                    │and let it cool for
  106.                      │                               │                                    │a minute.          │
  107.                      └───────────────────────────────┘                                    └───────────────────┘


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  • 06 May-2024
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