[json] language json backend
- {
- "registration":
- {
- "email":
- {
- "unique": "The email has already been taken",
- "verification":
- {
- "subject": "Email verification",
- "header": "Welcome to MyKetoBrain! To complete your registration, please enter the following confirmation code in the app:",
- "body": "Please note that this code is only valid for a short time. If you have not requested this code, please ignore this email.",
- "gratitude": "Thank you for choosing MyKetoBrain. We look forward to accompanying you on your keto journey!",
- "footer": "With kind regards",
- "from": "Your MyKetoBrain team"
- }
- }
- },
- "forgot-password":
- {
- "email":
- {
- "verification":
- {
- "subject": "Forgot Password Verification",
- "to": "Dear :name",
- "header": "To reset your password, please enter the following confirmation code in the app:",
- "body": "Please note that this code is only valid for a short time. If you have not requested this code, please ignore this email.",
- "footer": "With kind regards",
- "from": "Your MyKetoBrain team"
- }
- }
- },
- "allergy-category":
- {
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Allergy-category is deleted successfully."
- }
- },
- "ingredient":
- {
- "store":
- {
- "serving-size-missing": "Serving size is required"
- },
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Ingredient is deleted successfully."
- },
- "restore":
- {
- "success": "Ingredient is restored successfully."
- },
- "in-use-warning": "Ingredient cannot be disabled, is used in recipes."
- },
- "medical-condition":
- {
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Medical-Condition is deleted successfully."
- }
- },
- "recipe":
- {
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Recipe is deleted successfully."
- }
- },
- "user-progression":
- {
- "ketone_level":
- {
- "max": "Please provide level within 0 to 10"
- },
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Progression is deleted successfully."
- }
- },
- "user-meal":
- {
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Meal is deleted successfully."
- }
- },
- "user-ingredient-note":
- {
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Ingredient is deleted successfully."
- }
- },
- "user-meal-time":
- {
- "creation":
- {
- "unique-error": "The meal category already exists.",
- "validation-error": "The name has already been taken."
- },
- "deletion":
- {
- "success": "Meal time is deleted successfully."
- }
- },
- "notification":
- {
- "welcome":
- {
- "title": "Welcome message",
- "body": "Welcome to MyKetobrain!"
- },
- "energetic":
- {
- "title": "Your energy",
- "body": "Are you feeling energetic today ? Tap here for a 'Yes'"
- },
- "healthy":
- {
- "title": "Your health",
- "body": "Are you feeling healthier today ? Tap here for a 'Yes'"
- },
- "goal-achieved":
- {
- "title": "Congratulations",
- "body": "You have accomplished your goal. Please reset your goal."
- },
- "subscription_success":
- {
- "title": "Subscription",
- "body": "Are you feeling healthier today ? Tap here for a 'Yes'"
- },
- "subscription_renew_success":
- {
- "title": "Subscription",
- "body": "Are you feeling healthier today ? Tap here for a 'Yes'"
- },
- "subscription_renew_failed":
- {
- "title": "Subscription",
- "body": "Are you feeling healthier today ? Tap here for a 'Yes'"
- },
- "subscription_":
- {
- "title": "Subscription",
- "body": "Are you feeling healthier today ? Tap here for a 'Yes'"
- }
- },
- "user":
- {
- "login":
- {
- "failed": "Incorrect email or password, Please try again.",
- "email":
- {
- "required": "Email is missing."
- },
- "password":
- {
- "required": "Password is missing."
- }
- },
- "create":
- {
- "intolerances":
- {
- "array": "The intolerances field should be an array",
- "id":
- {
- "exists": "The ingredient-id is invalid"
- }
- },
- "medical_conditions":
- {
- "array": "The medical-conditions field should be an array",
- "id":
- {
- "exists": "The medical-condition-id is invalid"
- }
- },
- "language":
- {
- "code":
- {
- "in": "Valid language codes are: "
- }
- },
- "daily_activity":
- {
- "code":
- {
- "in": "Valid activity codes are: "
- }
- },
- "diet_type":
- {
- "code":
- {
- "in": "Valid diet type codes are: "
- }
- },
- "goals":
- {
- "code":
- {
- "in": "Valid goal codes are: "
- }
- }
- },
- "deletion":
- {
- "authorization-error": "You dont have enough permission for this action.",
- "success": "User is deleted successfully."
- },
- "subscription":
- {
- "over": "Your subscription is over. Please enable your package."
- },
- "reset-password":
- {
- "mail-code":
- {
- "success": "Reset code is sent."
- },
- "success": "Your password has been updated successfully.",
- "email":
- {
- "verification-error": "The selected email is invalid or not verified.",
- "validation-error": "Please provide a verified email address."
- },
- "password":
- {
- "verification-error": "New password cannot be identical to the existing password."
- }
- },
- "email-verification":
- {
- "mail-code":
- {
- "success": "Verification code is sent."
- },
- "success": "Your email address is verified successfully.",
- "error": "Invalid code or expired.",
- "email":
- {
- "exists": "The selected email is invalid or already verified."
- },
- "code":
- {
- "exists": "Wrong OTP provided."
- }
- },
- "update-password":
- {
- "email":
- {
- "validation-error": "You dont have enough permission to update the password."
- },
- "success": "Your password is updated successfully."
- },
- "logout":
- {
- "success": "Your token is expired successfully."
- },
- "excessive-request-error": "Too many attempts. It may take up to 2 minutes to receive the mail."
- },
- "fallback-error": "It appears you're attempting to access an API endpoint that's currently unavailable. Please check our documentation or contact our support team for the correct endpoint URL and usage guidelines.",
- "subscription_cancellation": "Confirmation of Subscription Cancellation",
- "Cancellation_Date": "Cancellation Date:",
- "lat_Day_access": "Last Day of Access:",
- "subscription_cancel_footer": "Best wishes, <br>\r\n The MyKetobrain Team",
- "hi": "Hi",
- "details": "Here are the details:",
- "cancel_details_1": "This email is to confirm that your subscription has been successfully cancelled as per your request.",
- "cancel_details_2": "You will still have access to the premium features until the end of your current billing cycle. After that, you will be moved to our free access tier.",
- "cancel_details_3": "If this was a mistake or if you have any questions, please contact us immediately.",
- "cancel_details_4": "Thank you for having been a part of our community. We hope to serve you again in the future.",
- "footer_title": "Best wishes",
- "footer_team": "The MyKetobrain Team",
- "days": "Days",
- "months": "Months",
- "renewal_success":
- {
- "subject": "Your Subscription Has Been Successfully Renewed",
- "details_1": "We are excited to let you know that your subscription has been successfully renewed for another period. Here are the details:",
- "tier": "**Subscription Tier:",
- "renewal_date": "**Renewal Date:",
- "billing_date": "**Next Billing Date:",
- "details_2": "Thank you for continuing your journey with us. We're here to support your keto lifestyle every step of the way!",
- "footer_title": "Best regards"
- },
- "renewal_failed":
- {
- "subject": "Urgent: Issue with Your Subscription Renewal",
- "details_1": "We encountered an issue while processing your subscription renewal. It seems there might be a problem with your payment method:",
- "issue_datected": "**Issue Detected:",
- "expired_card": "Expired Credit Card",
- "fund": "Insufficient Funds",
- "failed_date": "**Failed Transaction Date:",
- "details_2": "Please update your payment information at your earliest convenience to continue enjoying uninterrupted access to our app. You can update your payment method in the Subscription Settings section of our app.",
- "details_3": "Thank you for addressing this matter promptly!",
- "footer_title": "Warm regards"
- },
- "subscribed":
- {
- "subject": "Your Subscription Has Been Successfully Renewed",
- "details_1": "Thank you for subscribing to our :month tier subscription! We are thrilled to have you with us. Here's a quick confirmation of your purchase:",
- "tier": "**Subscription Tier:",
- "start_date": "**Start Date:",
- "duration": "**Duration:",
- "amount": "**Amount Paid:",
- "details_2": "You now have full access to all the features and benefits of our app. Get ready to enjoy your keto journey with personalized meal plans, comprehensive tracking, and much more.",
- "details_3": "Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.",
- "footer_title": "Cheers to your health and success"
- },
- "packege_data":
- {
- "bronze_name": "Essential Start",
- "silver_name": "Balanced Progression",
- "gold_name": "Comprehensive Wellness",
- "bronze_description": "Kickstart your Keto journey!",
- "silver_description": "Commit to your Keto diet!",
- "gold_description": "Become the pro in Keto lifestyle!"
- },
- "email_change":
- {
- "subject": "Confirm Your Email Change",
- "details_1": "You've requested to change the email associated with your account. To confirm this update, please enter the following One-Time Password (OTP) in the appropriate field:",
- "details_2": "This OTP is valid for 3 minutes and is intended only for your use. If you did not request an email change, please ignore this email or contact our support team immediately.",
- "details_3": "Thank you for ensuring the security of your account."
- },
- "otp":
- {
- "expire": "Otp Expired",
- "not_found": "Wrong Otp"
- }
- }
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