[python] Import FBX to Blender
- import bpy
- import sys
- from mathutils import Vector
- # Grab command line arguments
- argv = sys.argv
- fbx = argv[argv.index("--") + 1]
- tgt = argv[argv.index("--") + 2]
- print("Importing from ", fbx, " and Exporting to ", tgt)
- # Deletes the whole object hierarchy
- def delete_hierarchy(obj):
- names = set([obj.name])
- # Recursively grab object names
- def get_child_names(obj):
- for child in obj.children:
- names.add(child.name)
- if child.children:
- get_child_names(child)
- # Call the recursive function
- get_child_names(obj)
- # Delete the objects
- for n in names :
- bpy.data.objects.remove(bpy.data.objects[n], True)
- # Import FBX
- bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx( filepath = fbx )
- # Grab the new armature and scale it.
- new_armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature.001']
- new_armature.scale = Vector( (0.013, 0.013, 0.013) )
- # Make sure the armature has animation data
- if new_armature.animation_data == None :
- new_armature.animation_data_create()
- # Grab the new animation
- new_armature_animation = new_armature.animation_data
- # Grab the old armature
- old_armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature']
- old_armature_animation = old_armature.animation_data
- # Get the properties of the old animation
- properties = [p.identifier for p in old_armature_animation.bl_rna.properties if not p.is_readonly]
- # Copy all animation properties
- for prop in properties:
- setattr(new_armature_animation, prop, getattr(old_armature_animation, prop))
- # Delete the old object
- delete_hierarchy(old_armature)
- # Rename the new object
- new_armature.name = 'Armature'
- # Save the new file
- bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile( filepath = tgt )
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