1111 - PHP Online

Form of PHP Sandbox

Enter Your PHP code here for testing/debugging in the Online PHP Sandbox. As in the usual PHP files, you can also add HTML, but do not forget to add the tag <?php in the places where the PHP script should be executed.

Your result can be seen below.

Result of php executing

Full code of 1111.php

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="ru">
  3.   <head>
  4.     <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5.     <title>Интернет-магазин товаров для дома</title>
  6.     <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
  7.   </head>
  9.   <body>
  10.     <header class="site-header">
  11.       <nav class="site-navigation">
  12.         <class="logo-link" href="index.php">
  13.           <img src="img/logo-full.svg" width="62" height="17" alt="Логотип магазина gloevk">
  14.         </a>
  15.         <ul class="navigation-list">
  16.           <li><a href="catalog.php">Каталог</a></li>
  17.           <li><a href="delivery.html">Доставка</a></li>
  18.           <li><a href="contacts.html">Контакты</a></li>
  19.           <!-- <li><a href="blog.html">Блог</a></li> -->
  20.         </ul>
  21.       </nav>
  22.     </header>
File Description
  • 1111
  • PHP Code
  • 21 Jan-2023
  • 779 Bytes
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