How to validate URL in PHP
1) The easiest way to check whether an email address is well-formed is to use the filter_var() function:
$url = '';
$validation = filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED);
if ( $validation ) $output = "$url is a valid URL";
else $output = "$url is not a valid URL";
echo $output;
The FILTER_VALIDATE_URL filter validates a URL.
Possible flags:
- FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED - URL must be RFC compliant (like https://wtools)
- FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED - URL must include host name (like
- FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED - URL must have a path after the domain name (like
- FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED - URL must have a query string (like
2) If you want to know if the url really exists (via CURL):
function urlExist($url){//se passar a URL existe
curl_setopt($c,CURLOPT_HEADER,1);//get the header
curl_setopt($c,CURLOPT_NOBODY,1);//and *only* get the header
curl_setopt($c,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);//get the response as a string from curl_exec(), rather than echoing it
curl_setopt($c,CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT,1);//don't use a cached version of the url
return false;
return true;
$url = '';
if ( urlExist($url) ) $output = "$url is a valid URL";
else $output = "$url is not a valid URL";
echo $output;
3) Validate via regex with http or https:
$url = '';
$pattern = '/^(http|https):\/\/(([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)(\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)+)(?::\d{1,5})?(?:$|[?\/#])/i';
if (preg_match($pattern, $url)) {
$output = "$url is a valid URL";
} else {
$output = "$url is not a valid URL";
echo $output;
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