Tag - "SEO" Tools

List of tools


Free word counter for copywriting, writers, journalists. Instantly count words, characters, characters without white spaces,etc in online word count tool.

Domain Name Checker - online tool who allows you to check domain availability

Domain Age Checker - online tool who allows you to check Domain age of a website

Check your URL redirect for accuracy. Redirect Checker help you to check all url redirections with all redirections headers.

Free tool for online checking profits for your website or blog using AdSense calculator by CTR, CPC and Impressions entered by users

Check meta tags - online tool for extract meta tags information from any web page

Free line counter for copywriting, writers, journalists. Instantly count lines including empty lines,etc in online lines count tool.


Bulk URL Opener - free web tool for open multiple urls at once in individual web browser tabs.

Free tool for online generate bulk HTML-code links with anchors for SEO using as text links.

Free tool for online generate customized meta tags. The meta tag generator will create description, keyword and other important SEO meta tags.

Free tool for online generate custom twitter card of meta tags, you can attach content summary, photos, videos, and other media to tweets.

Free tool for online generate custom open graph meta tags, you can generate best SEO meta tags for your Website or blog.

Free tool for easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics.

Free tool provides a Google snippet preview to check how meta tags are displayed in search results. A simple search snippet preview tool that will help your SEO efforts.

Free tool for online generate FAQPage JSON-LD markups, you can generate ld+json schema for your FAQ page.

Free tool for online generate BreadcrumbList JSON-LD markups, you can fast generate ld+json breadcrumb schema.

Free tool for online generate Website JSON-LD markups, you can fast generate ld+json schema for main page.

Free tool for online generate Organization JSON-LD markups, you can fast generate ld+json schema for main page for company

Slug URL Generator - Instantly generate SEO friendly and human readable URL slugs for your website


Free online tool for strip HTML tags, removes every HTML tag and leaving only the plain text content inside them.