[text] biff cider repl jack in cljs js alert fail


copydownloadembedprintName: biff cider repl jack in cljs js alert fail
  1. [:app] Configuring build.
  2. [:app] Compiling ...
  3. 22:37:51.258 [XNIO-1 I/O-3] DEBUG io.undertow.websockets.core.request - Attempting websocket handshake with io.undertow.websockets.core.protocol.version13.Hybi13Handshake@6b647dde on HttpServerExchange{ GET /api/ws}
  4. 22:37:51.272 [XNIO-1 I/O-3] DEBUG io.undertow.request - Upgrading request HttpServerExchange{ GET /api/ws}
  5. 22:37:51.485 [XNIO-1 I/O-3] DEBUG io.undertow.websockets.core.request - UT025003: Decoding WebSocket Frame with opCode 1
  6. 22:37:51.509 [XNIO-1 I/O-3] DEBUG io.undertow.websockets.core.request - UT025003: Decoding WebSocket Frame with opCode 1
  7. 22:37:51.514 [XNIO-1 I/O-3] DEBUG io.undertow.websockets.core.request - UT025003: Decoding WebSocket Frame with opCode 1
  8. [:app] Build completed. (207 files, 1 compiled, 0 warnings, 7.94s)
  9. To quit, type: :cljs/quit
  10. [:selected :app]shadow.user> 
  11. cljs.user> (js/alert "hi")
  12. No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.
  13. cljs.user> 


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File Description
  • biff cider repl jack in cljs js alert fail
  • Paste Code
  • 19 Aug-2020
  • 1.01 Kb
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