[cpp] Code surrounding 0x5F6222


copydownloadembedprintName: Code surrounding 0x5F6222
  1. .text:005F620C                 cmc
  2. .text:005F620D                 pusha
  3. .text:005F620E                 popa
  4. .text:005F620F                 and     cl, [esi+6Ch]
  5. .text:005F6212                 sbb     eax, 0BD78573Ah
  6. .text:005F6217                 jnp     short near ptr dword_5F6144+0A5h
  7. .text:005F6219                 and     [eax-11h], ah
  8. .text:005F621C                 lea     ecx, [ebx+edx+17h]
  9. .text:005F6220                 pop     es                                         ;* start of 0x5F622
  10. .text:005F6221
  11. .text:005F6221 loc_5F6221:                             ; CODE XREF: .text:005F6265j
  12. .text:005F6221                 add     [edx-9B30AAAh], bh
  13. .text:005F6227                 mov     bl, 0C1h  2
  14. .text:005F6229                 pop     eax 
  15. .text:005F622A                 dec     esp 
  16. .text:005F622B                 adc     eax, 0D04CFDE9h                            ;* end of 0x5F6222
  17. .text:005F6230                 js      short near ptr dword_5F6144+0AFh
  18. .text:005F6232                 into
  19. .text:005F6233                 aam     7Dh
  20. .text:005F6235                 rep sub bl, [ebx]
  21. .text:005F6238                 mov     al, ds:0F9A1E363h
  22. .text:005F623D                 cdq
  23. .text:005F623E                 popf
  24. .text:005F623F                 xor     al, 8
  25. .text:005F6241                 mov     dword ptr [edx+52551FECh], 0D595B77Ah
  26. .text:005F624B                 aas
  27. .text:005F624C                 mov     ds:0F96F40B3h, al
  28. .text:005F6251                 ja      short near ptr dword_5F627C+31h
  29. .text:005F6253                 pop     edi
  30. .text:005F6254                 stosd
  31. .text:005F6255                 in      eax, 47h
  32. .text:005F6257                 test    [ebx-39h], bl
  33. .text:005F625A                 bound   edx, [edx+30h]
  34. .text:005F625D                 push    edx
  35. .text:005F625E                 mov     bh, 0B8h
  36. .text:005F6260                 cmp     eax, 0F5DE120h
  37. .text:005F6265                 jnb     short near ptr loc_5F6221+5
  38. .text:005F6267                 push    edx
  39. .text:005F6268                 mov     eax, 9942B74Ah


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File Description
  • Code surrounding 0x5F6222
  • Paste Code
  • 10 Apr-2021
  • 2.05 Kb
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