- import polars as pl
- # Read csv1 and csv2
- csv1 = pl.read_csv('csv1.csv')
- csv2 = pl.read_csv('csv2.csv')
- # Specify the column name to check
- column_name = 'column_name' # Replace with the actual column name
- # Extract the column from csv1
- csv1_column = csv1[column_name]
- # Extract the column from csv2
- csv2_column = csv2[column_name]
- # Check if all values in csv1 column are present in csv2 column
- all_present = csv1_column.isin(csv2_column).all()
- # Print the result
- if all_present:
- print("All values in csv1 column are present in csv2 column.")
- else:
- print("Not all values in csv1 column are present in csv2 column.")
- import polars as pl
- # Read the CSV files
- leg = pl.read_csv('Leg.csv')
- cont = pl.read_csv('Cont.csv')
- # Check if each cont_id from Leg is present in Cont
- present_in_cont = leg.join(cont, on='cont_id', how='inner')
- # Get the cont_ids present in both Leg and Cont
- common_cont_ids = present_in_cont['cont_id']
- # Get the cont_ids in Leg that are not in Cont
- not_in_cont = leg.filter(pl.col('cont_id').isin(common_cont_ids), negate=True)
- # Count the number of cont_ids in Leg but not in Cont
- not_in_cont_count = not_in_cont.height()
- # Print the number of cont_ids in Leg but not in Cont
- print("Number of cont_ids in Leg but not in Cont:", not_in_cont_count)
[text] Temp
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