[javascript] LES code
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- $(".toasted").on("click", function (e) {
- var btn_id = $(this).attr('id');
- storeInLocalStorage('btnIDS', btn_id);
- var interval = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds
- // Ensure timer is defined where it can be updated
- var timer = 0;
- function reset() {
- localStorage.setItem("endTime"+btn_id, +new Date() + interval);
- }
- if (!localStorage.getItem("endTime"+btn_id)) {
- reset();
- }
- // Use a function to update or show toast to allow for dynamic updates
- function updateToast(timer) {
- $.toast({
- id: '#toast_'+btn_id,
- type: 'primary',
- title: 'what a bullshit this is!',
- subtitle: timer + "s",
- content: 'hello',
- delay: timer,
- icon: "fa-solid fa-list-check", // Assuming this is a valid configuration for your toast system
- });
- }
- setInterval(function () {
- var remaining = localStorage.getItem("endTime"+btn_id) - new Date();
- $('#'+btn_id).prop('disabled', true);
- if (remaining >= 0) {
- timer = Math.floor(remaining / 1000);
- updateToast(timer); // Update the toast message dynamically
- } else {
- $('#toast_'+btn_id).html('');
- localStorage.removeItem("endTime"+btn_id);
- removeFromLocalStorage(btn_id);
- $('#'+btn_id).prop('disabled', false);
- reset();
- updateToast(0); // Update or clear the toast message
- }
- }, 100); // Check every 100ms
- });
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