- <!--
- Generated template for the LandingPromoPage page.
- See http://ionicframework.com/docs/components/#navigation for more info on
- Ionic pages and navigation.
- -->
- <ion-content *ngIf="global.isLogin">
- <div class="container-background">
- <div padding>
- <img src="assets/landing-promo/icon-back.png" (click)="back()" style="width: 36px;height: 36px;margin-top: 35px;">
- <div style="
- margin-top: 35px;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- justify-content: space-between;
- ">
- <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column;">
- <div style="flex-direction:row;">
- <span style="color: white; font-size: 16px; max-width: max-content;">Hi {{resultName}}</span>
- <img src="assets/landing-promo/svg-landing.png" style="width: 20px; height: 20px;">
- </div>
- <span style="color: white; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; margin-top: 3px;">Selalu Bisa Hemat</span>
- <span style="color: white; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500;">dengan Promo Terhangat</span>
- </div>
- <div style="margin-top: -35px;">
- <img src="assets/landing-promo/kado-landing.png" style="width: 154px;height: 148px;">
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div
- style="margin-top: -80px; background-color: white;position: inherit;width: 100%;height: 100%;border-top-left-radius: 15px;border-top-right-radius: 15px;">
- <div style="padding: 8px; margin-top: 15px;">
- <div class="promo-category">
- <ion-slides slidesPerView="auto" spaceBetween="3" loop="false" autoplay="false">
- <ion-slide style="width: 0px"> </ion-slide>
- <ion-slide *ngFor="let item of dataRekomendasi; let i = index" style="width: auto;">
- <button [ngClass]="item.category_id == filter.category?'allo-category-badge-active':'allo-category-badge'"
- (click)="searchRekomendasi(item, i)">
- <b>{{item.category_name | titlecase}}</b>
- </button>
- </ion-slide>
- <ion-slide *ngFor="let item of promo_category; let i = index" style="width: auto; margin-right: 9px;">
- <button [ngClass]="item.category_id == filter.category?'allo-category-badge-active':'allo-category-badge'"
- (click)="search(item, i)">
- <b>{{item.category_name | titlecase}}</b>
- </button>
- </ion-slide>
- <ion-slide style="width: 9px"> </ion-slide>
- </ion-slides>
- </div>
- <!-- -->
- </div>
- <div *ngIf="tampil && tabsRekomendasi">
- <div style="margin-top: 15px;" *ngFor="let item of dataList; let i = index">
- <div style="background-color: #F9F9F9;">
- <div style="margin-left: 10px; padding: 5px;">
- <span style="color: #797979; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 500;">{{item.tanggal}}</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div *ngFor="let result of item.data; let index = index">
- <div [ngClass]="result.status == 'unread' ?'container-unread':'container-read'"
- (click)="getListDataPromoDetail(result.link,result.title,result.message)">
- <div>
- <div style="margin-left:15px">
- <div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;">
- <div style="margin-top: 11px;">
- <span
- [ngClass]="result.status == 'unread' ? 'text-title-unread':'text-title-read'">{{result.title}}</span>
- </div>
- <span
- [ngClass]="result.status == 'unread' ?'text-waktu-unread':'text-waktu-read'">{{result.waktu}}</span>
- </div>
- <div style="margin-top: 6px;">
- <span
- [ngClass]="result.status == 'unread' ?'desc-content-unread':'desc-content-read'">{{result.message}}</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div *ngIf="index < item.data.length - 1" style="
- display: flex;
- align-self: center;
- justify-content: center;
- margin-top: 13px;
- ">
- <div style="border-bottom: 2px solid #F1F3F9;width: 91%;"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- <div *ngIf="i < item.data.length - 1" style="
- display: flex;
- align-self: center;
- justify-content: center;
- margin-top: 13px;
- ">
- <div style="border-bottom: 2px solid #F1F3F9;width: 91%;"></div>
- </div> -->
- </div>
- <!-- <div>
- <span style="font-size: 12px; color: black; font-weight: 700;">Promo Tidak Ditemukan</span>
- </div> -->
- </div>
- <div *ngIf="tampil || !tabsRekomendasi">
- <div style="margin-top: 15px;">
- <div *ngFor="let item of group_data_date; let i = index"
- (click)="getDetailCategory(item.link_id,item.title,item.description)">
- <div style="background-color: #F9F9F9;">
- <div style="margin-left: 10px; padding: 5px;">
- <span
- style="color: #797979; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 500;">{{formatDate(item.date)}}</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div>
- <div style="margin-left:15px">
- <div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;">
- <div style="margin-top: 11px;">
- <span
- [ngClass]="item.status == 'unread' ? 'text-title-unread':'text-title-read'">{{item.title}}</span>
- </div>
- <span
- [ngClass]="item.status == 'unread' ?'text-waktu-unread':'text-waktu-read'">{{formatTime(item.publishing_date)}}</span>
- </div>
- <div style="margin-top: 6px;">
- <span
- [ngClass]="item.status == 'unread' ?'desc-content-unread':'desc-content-read'" [innerHTML]="item.description"></span>
- </div>
- <!-- <div *ngIf="index < item.items.length - 1" style="
- display: flex;
- align-self: center;
- justify-content: center;
- margin-top: 13px;
- ">
- <div style="border-bottom: 2px solid #F1F3F9;width: 91%;"></div>
- </div> -->
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- <div style="
- padding: 16px;
- margin-top: -15px;
- ">
- <div style="border-bottom: 2px solid #F1F3F9;"></div>
- </div> -->
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- <ion-infinite-scroll (ionInfinite)="getListDataPromo($event)">
- <ion-infinite-scroll-content loadingText="Loading..."></ion-infinite-scroll-content>
- </ion-infinite-scroll> -->
- </ion-content>
- <div *ngIf="floatingButtonShow" style="
- z-index: 9999;
- position: absolute;
- bottom: 15px;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
- display: flex;
- text-align: center;
- width: 100%;
- " (click)="handlePromoAll()">
- <img src="assets/landing-promo/footer-button.svg">
- </div>
[text] html promo
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