- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- # Define positions for each language family and group
- positions = {
- "Indo-European": (0, 10),
- "Germanic": (-10, 8), "Romance": (0, 8), "Slavonic": (10, 8), "Celtic": (-10, 6), "Indo-Iranian": (0, 6), "Hellenic": (10, 6),
- "West Germanic": (-12, 6), "North Germanic": (-8, 6), "East Slavonic": (8, 6), "West Slavonic": (10, 6), "South Slavonic": (12, 6),
- "English": (-14, 4), "Dutch": (-12, 4), "German": (-10, 4), "Afrikaans": (-13, 2), "Yiddish": (-11, 2), "Frisian": (-9, 2),
- "Swedish": (-8, 4), "Danish": (-6, 4), "Norwegian": (-8, 2), "Icelandic": (-6, 2), "Faroese": (-4, 2),
- "Portuguese": (-2, 6), "Spanish": (0, 6), "Italian": (2, 6), "French": (0, 4), "Romanian": (2, 4),
- "Russian": (6, 4), "Ukrainian": (8, 4), "Belarusian": (10, 4),
- "Polish": (12, 4), "Czech": (14, 4), "Slovak": (16, 4),
- "Bulgarian": (18, 4), "Serbo-Croatian": (20, 4), "Slovenian": (22, 4),
- "Irish": (-10, 4), "Welsh": (-12, 4), "Scottish Gaelic": (-8, 4),
- "Hindi": (0, 4), "Bengali": (2, 4), "Persian": (4, 4),
- "Greek": (10, 4),
- "Sino-Tibetan": (-15, 10), "Chinese": (-18, 8), "Tibetan": (-15, 8), "Burmese": (-12, 8),
- "Mandarin": (-20, 6), "Cantonese": (-16, 6),
- "Austronesian": (15, 10), "Malagasy": (12, 8), "Tagalog": (15, 8), "Malay/Indonesian": (18, 8), "Javanese": (15, 6), "Samoan": (18, 6), "Fijian": (12, 6),
- "Afro-Asiatic": (-10, 2), "Semitic": (-12, 0), "Berber": (-10, 0), "Chadic": (-8, 0),
- "Arabic": (-14, -2), "Hebrew": (-12, -2), "Amharic": (-10, -2),
- "Hausa": (-8, -2),
- "Dravidian": (10, 2), "Tamil": (8, 0), "Telugu": (10, 0), "Kannada": (12, 0), "Malayalam": (14, 0),
- }
- edges = [
- ("Indo-European", "Germanic"), ("Indo-European", "Romance"), ("Indo-European", "Slavonic"), ("Indo-European", "Celtic"), ("Indo-European", "Indo-Iranian"), ("Indo-European", "Hellenic"),
- ("Germanic", "West Germanic"), ("Germanic", "North Germanic"),
- ("West Germanic", "English"), ("West Germanic", "Dutch"), ("West Germanic", "German"), ("West Germanic", "Afrikaans"), ("West Germanic", "Yiddish"), ("West Germanic", "Frisian"),
- ("North Germanic", "Swedish"), ("North Germanic", "Danish"), ("North Germanic", "Norwegian"), ("North Germanic", "Icelandic"), ("North Germanic", "Faroese"),
- ("Romance", "Portuguese"), ("Romance", "Spanish"), ("Romance", "Italian"), ("Romance", "French"), ("Romance", "Romanian"),
- ("Slavonic", "East Slavonic"), ("Slavonic", "West Slavonic"), ("Slavonic", "South Slavonic"),
- ("East Slavonic", "Russian"), ("East Slavonic", "Ukrainian"), ("East Slavonic", "Belarusian"),
- ("West Slavonic", "Polish"), ("West Slavonic", "Czech"), ("West Slavonic", "Slovak"),
- ("South Slavonic", "Bulgarian"), ("South Slavonic", "Serbo-Croatian"), ("South Slavonic", "Slovenian"),
- ("Celtic", "Irish"), ("Celtic", "Welsh"), ("Celtic", "Scottish Gaelic"),
- ("Indo-Iranian", "Hindi"), ("Indo-Iranian", "Bengali"), ("Indo-Iranian", "Persian"),
- ("Hellenic", "Greek"),
- ("Sino-Tibetan", "Chinese"), ("Sino-Tibetan", "Tibetan"), ("Sino-Tibetan", "Burmese"),
- ("Chinese", "Mandarin"), ("Chinese", "Cantonese"),
- ("Austronesian", "Malagasy"), ("Austronesian", "Tagalog"), ("Austronesian", "Malay/Indonesian"), ("Austronesian", "Javanese"), ("Austronesian", "Samoan"), ("Austronesian", "Fijian"),
- ("Afro-Asiatic", "Semitic"), ("Afro-Asiatic", "Berber"), ("Afro-Asiatic", "Chadic"),
- ("Semitic", "Arabic"), ("Semitic", "Hebrew"), ("Semitic", "Amharic"),
- ("Chadic", "Hausa"),
- ("Dravidian", "Tamil"), ("Dravidian", "Telugu"), ("Dravidian", "Kannada"), ("Dravidian", "Malayalam"),
- ]
- examples = {
- "milk": {"Germanic": "milk, melk, mjölk, Milch", "Romance": "leite, leche, latte, lait"},
- "days": {"Germanic": "måndag, tisdag...fredag", "Romance": "lundi, mardi...vendredi"}
- }
- example_positions = {
- "milk": (-15, 12),
- "days": (20, 12)
- }
- # Create a figure with adjusted positions
- plt.figure(figsize=(25, 20))
- # Draw nodes with adjusted positions
- for node, (x, y) in positions.items():
- plt.text(x, y, node, fontsize=12, ha='center', bbox=dict(facecolor='lightblue', edgecolor='black', boxstyle='round,pad=0.3'))
- # Draw edges
- for edge in edges:
- start, end = edge
- sx, sy = positions[start]
- ex, ey = positions[end]
- plt.plot([sx, ex], [sy, ey], 'k-', lw=2)
- # Add examples and symbols
- for example, texts in examples.items():
- x, y = example_positions[example]
- for family, text in texts.items():
- plt.text(x, y, f"{family}: {text}", fontsize=10, ha='left', bbox=dict(facecolor='lightgreen', edgecolor='black', boxstyle='round,pad=0.3'))
- y -= 1.5
- # Add title
- plt.title("Language Families Mental Map", fontsize=20)
- # Hide axes
- plt.axis('off')
- # Save the plot as a JPG file with adjusted positions
- output_path = "Language_Families_Mental_Map_Adjusted.jpg"
- plt.savefig(output_path, format='jpg')
- # Show the path of the saved file
- output_path
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