- var modbusIp70 = "" //modbus ip
- var modbusPort70 = 502 //modbus port
- var modbusSlaveId70 = 1 //modbus slaveId master/slave service
- var modbusOffset70 = 0 //Dirección de lectura de señal/Signal read address
- var modbusAddrType70 = "0x" //Signal ata type 0x: Read coil 1x: Read discrete input 3x: Read input register 4x: Read holding register
- var modbusIp71 = "" //modbus ip
- var modbusPort71 = 502 //modbus port
- var modbusSlaveId71 = 1 //modbus slaveId master/slave service
- var modbusOffset71 = 0 //Dirección de lectura de señal/Signal read address
- var modbusAddrType71 = "0x" //Signal ata type 0x: Read coil 1x: Read discrete input 3x: Read input register 4x: Read holding register
- function boot() {
- // Registration of the response method for the order button of the "Warehouse Shipment" menu
- jj.registerHandler("POST", "/script-api/addDemandDataUI", "addDemandDataUI", false);
- jj.registerHandler("POST", "/script-api/addDemandDataUE", "addDemandDataUE", false);
- jj.registerHandler("POST", "/script-api/DevolucionUI", "DevolucionUI", false); //------update
- jj.registerHandler("POST", "/script-api/DevolucionUE", "DevolucionUE", false); //------update
- // Read Modbus data regularly Rampa MockUp
- jj.defineScheduledFunctions(true, 4000, 4000, "EnvioMockup", [])
- }
- //Función Rampa MockUp
- function EnvioMockup(){
- // 读取 Modbus 信号值
- var signalValue70= jj.readSingleModbusValue(modbusIp70, modbusPort70, modbusSlaveId70, modbusAddrType70, modbusOffset70)
- //jj.scriptLog("INFO", "EnvioMockup70", "Pedido de Mockup enviado!" + signalValue70)
- var signalValue71= jj.readSingleModbusValue(modbusIp71, modbusPort71, modbusSlaveId71, modbusAddrType71, modbusOffset71)
- //jj.scriptLog("INFO", "EnvioMockup71", "Pedido de Mockup enviado!" + signalValue71)
- // 生成任务之前不仅要先读取 Modbus 生成任务信号,还要读取缓存变量 name
- var flag70 = jj.getCacheParam("CB70")// 获取缓存变量 name。
- var flag71 = jj.getCacheParam("CB71")// 获取缓存变量 name。
- // 发起任务的信号值 == 1 && 缓存变量 name != true
- if(signalValue70 == 1 && flag70 != "true" ){
- // 构造任务输入参数
- if (signalValue71 == 1 && flag71 != "true" ) {
- let inputParams = {
- destination:"" //机器人目标站点
- }
- // 构造任务参数
- let orderReq = {
- taskLabel:"MoveMatMockUpOdu", //任务名
- inputParams:JSON.stringify(inputParams)
- }
- // 发起任务
- jj.createWindTask(JSON.stringify(orderReq))
- // 将 name 变量设置为 true。此处仅举例说明,缓存变量的处理,应按实际业务需求进行。
- jj.putCacheParam("CB70", "true")
- jj.putCacheParam("CB71", "true")
- // 打印日志
- jj.scriptLog("INFO", "EnvioMockup", "Pedido de Mockup enviado!")
- }
- }
- }
- function addDemandDataUI(param) {
- var paramObject = JSON.parse(param);
- let response = new ScriptRepsonseEntity();
- let operatorResponse = new OperatorRepsonseEntity();
- // Create Demand Task
- let robotDefLabel = paramObject["robotTaskDef"];
- //let puesto = paramObject["targetSite"];
- let menuId = paramObject["menuId"];
- let addParam = {
- // NOMBRE Demand Task data name, can be customized, and yml Demand Task configuration parameters to maintain uniformity in the defLabel field value
- defLabel: robotDefLabel,
- description: "Abastecimiento UI",
- // The menu id corresponding to the Demand Task supplement needs to be present in the yml configuration
- menuId: "chooseMatSiteUI",
- // Work Type visible in Demand Task data
- workTypes: "COMMON-TYPE",
- // Work Station visible in Demand Task data
- workStations: "UNIDAD INTERIOR",
- createdBy: menuId,
- // Object of the Demand Task content
- content: paramObject,
- // Demand extension field, need to be configured now in the configuration file
- attrList: [{"attributeName": "attribute1","attributeValue": "123"},{"attributeName": "attribute2","attributeValue": "123"}]
- };
- // Create Demand Task data
- jj.addDemand(JSON.stringify(addParam));
- response.body = JSON.stringify(operatorResponse);
- return response;
- }
- function addDemandDataUE(param) {
- var paramObject = JSON.parse(param);
- let response = new ScriptRepsonseEntity();
- let operatorResponse = new OperatorRepsonseEntity();
- // Create Demand Task
- let robotDefLabel = paramObject["robotTaskDef"];
- let menuId = paramObject["menuId"];
- let addParam = {
- // NOMBRE Demand Task data name, can be customized, and yml Demand Task configuration parameters to maintain uniformity in the defLabel field value
- defLabel: robotDefLabel,
- description: "Abastecimiento UE",
- // The menu id corresponding to the Demand Task supplement needs to be present in the yml configuration
- menuId: "chooseMatSiteUE",
- // Work Type visible in Demand Task data
- workTypes: "COMMON-TYPE",
- // Work Station visible in Demand Task data
- workStations: "UNIDAD EXTERIOR",
- createdBy: menuId,
- // Object of the Demand Task content
- content: paramObject,
- // Demand extension field, need to be configured now in the configuration file
- attrList: [{"attributeName": "attribute1","attributeValue": "123"},{"attributeName": "attribute2","attributeValue": "123"}]
- };
- // Create Demand Task data
- jj.addDemand(JSON.stringify(addParam));
- response.body = JSON.stringify(operatorResponse);
- return response;
- }
- // Response method for clicking on an order on the Demand Task details page, this method is used to generate a handling job based on the start and end point of the call point
- function dealOrderUI(param) {
- let demandInfo = JSON.parse(param);
- // Content of Demand Task
- let contentObject = demandInfo["content"];
- let contentParam = contentObject["params"];
- // Selected call point Worksite id
- let toSiteId = contentParam[0]["value"];
- // Additions to the Demand Task
- let supplementContentObject = demandInfo["suplementContent"];
- let suppleParam = supplementContentObject["params"];
- let fromSiteId = suppleParam[0]["value"];
- let inputParams = {
- fromSiteId: fromSiteId,
- toSiteId: toSiteId
- };
- let taskParam = {
- // Name of the Wind Task to move materials
- taskLabel: "moveMat",
- inputParams: JSON.stringify(inputParams)
- };
- // Running the Wind Task of handling materials
- jj.createWindTask(JSON.stringify(taskParam));
- }
- // Response method for clicking on an order on the Demand Task details page, this method is used to generate a handling job based on the start and end point of the call point
- function dealOrderUE(param) {
- let demandInfo = JSON.parse(param);
- // Content of Demand Task
- let contentObject = demandInfo["content"];
- let contentParam = contentObject["params"];
- // Selected call point Worksite id
- let toSiteId = contentParam[0]["value"];
- // Additions to the Demand Task
- let supplementContentObject = demandInfo["suplementContent"];
- let suppleParam = supplementContentObject["params"];
- let fromSiteId = suppleParam[0]["value"];
- let inputParams = {
- fromSiteId: fromSiteId,
- toSiteId: toSiteId
- };
- let taskParam = {
- // Name of the Wind Task to move materials
- taskLabel: "moveMatUE",
- inputParams: JSON.stringify(inputParams)
- };
- // Running the Wind Task of handling materials
- jj.createWindTask(JSON.stringify(taskParam));
- }
- function DevolucionUI(param){//------update
- //Attention ! followed by //------ changes means it may need to be modified. If not, it means no change is needed.
- //1.Operator parameters are processed and the format is converted (no changes required)
- jj.getLogger().info("Create task parameters:" + param);
- var paramJson = JSON.parse(param);
- var params = paramJson["params"];
- /*2.Read the parameters from the Operator, (change according to the actual situation)
- If the number of incoming parameters is equal to 1: keep 'let from = params[0]["value"]; 'and remove 'let to = params[1]["value"];'.
- If the incoming parameter is equal to 2: just leave it as it is.
- If the incoming parameters are greater than 2; add code as per the rule, e.g.: if the incoming parameters are 3, add 'let site = params[2]["value"];'.
- When reading the parameters passed by the Operator, in the following points need to be noted.
- 1. the naming of the parameters to the left of the equal sign corresponds to [task input parameters] --> [variable name] in wink task, in this case, wink task writes incoming variable names from , to. so in this script, also named from , to.
- 2. the value 0 in params[] corresponds to the first parameter, 1 corresponds to the second parameter, and so on the third parameter is params[2].
- */
- let from = params[0]["value"];//------update
- //let to = params[1]["value"];//------update
- /*3.Determine if the input parameters are empty, and if any of the parameters are empty, a prompt will be made in the Operator.
- 1.if (from == "" || to == "") This is the line that needs to be added or deleted according to the actual number of parameters, as well as changed according to the actual naming of the parameters.
- 2. || This symbol means the or operation, and as long as either side of the symbol holds, the following code is executed
- 3.If there are three or more parameters to be judged, the expression is :if (... || ... || ... || ...)
- 4.operatorResponse.msg = "Please enter the starting site or ending site"; change the pop-up message according to the actual need
- */
- if (from == "" || from == null) { //------update
- jj.getLogger().info("Parametros en blanco!!!!!1");
- var res = { code:400, msg: "Favor indicar puesto" }
- return { code: 400, body: JSON.stringify(res) };
- }
- try {
- //4.Plug the from and to obtained by the previous code into inputParams, and the points to note are as follows
- /*
- 1. both the left and right side of the ':' symbol, the naming is strictly consistent, both correspond to the naming of [task input parameter]-->[variable name] in wink task
- 2. if you need to add, for example, wink task [task input parameters]-->[variable name], in addition to from, to and site, then add code site: site,
- 3. If you need to delete, you can delete the corresponding line directly
- */
- let inputParams = {
- from: from, //------update
- //to: to, //------update
- };
- //5.Generate wink task
- //You need to change the content after taskLabel: to the task name of the corresponding wink task, in this case Devolucion.
- let taskParam = {
- taskLabel: "DevolucionUI",//------update
- inputParams: JSON.stringify(inputParams),
- };
- jj.createWindTask(JSON.stringify(taskParam));
- var res = { code:200, msg: " Tarea Generada !" }
- return { code: 200, body: JSON.stringify(res) };
- } catch (error) {
- jj.getLogger().error("create tss task error", error);
- var res = { code:400, msg: "fail" }
- return { code: 400, body: JSON.stringify(res) };
- }
- }
- function DevolucionUE(param){//------update
- //Attention ! followed by //------ changes means it may need to be modified. If not, it means no change is needed.
- //1.Operator parameters are processed and the format is converted (no changes required)
- jj.getLogger().info("Create task parameters:" + param);
- var paramJson = JSON.parse(param);
- var params = paramJson["params"];
- /*2.Read the parameters from the Operator, (change according to the actual situation)
- If the number of incoming parameters is equal to 1: keep 'let from = params[0]["value"]; 'and remove 'let to = params[1]["value"];'.
- If the incoming parameter is equal to 2: just leave it as it is.
- If the incoming parameters are greater than 2; add code as per the rule, e.g.: if the incoming parameters are 3, add 'let site = params[2]["value"];'.
- When reading the parameters passed by the Operator, in the following points need to be noted.
- 1. the naming of the parameters to the left of the equal sign corresponds to [task input parameters] --> [variable name] in wink task, in this case, wink task writes incoming variable names from , to. so in this script, also named from , to.
- 2. the value 0 in params[] corresponds to the first parameter, 1 corresponds to the second parameter, and so on the third parameter is params[2].
- */
- let from = params[0]["value"];//------update
- //let to = params[1]["value"];//------update
- /*3.Determine if the input parameters are empty, and if any of the parameters are empty, a prompt will be made in the Operator.
- 1.if (from == "" || to == "") This is the line that needs to be added or deleted according to the actual number of parameters, as well as changed according to the actual naming of the parameters.
- 2. || This symbol means the or operation, and as long as either side of the symbol holds, the following code is executed
- 3.If there are three or more parameters to be judged, the expression is :if (... || ... || ... || ...)
- 4.operatorResponse.msg = "Please enter the starting site or ending site"; change the pop-up message according to the actual need
- */
- if (from == "" || from == null) { //------update
- jj.getLogger().info("Parametros en blanco!!!!!1");
- var res = { code:400, msg: "Favor indicar puesto" }
- return { code: 400, body: JSON.stringify(res) };
- }
- try {
- //4.Plug the from and to obtained by the previous code into inputParams, and the points to note are as follows
- /*
- 1. both the left and right side of the ':' symbol, the naming is strictly consistent, both correspond to the naming of [task input parameter]-->[variable name] in wink task
- 2. if you need to add, for example, wink task [task input parameters]-->[variable name], in addition to from, to and site, then add code site: site,
- 3. If you need to delete, you can delete the corresponding line directly
- */
- let inputParams = {
- from: from, //------update
- //to: to, //------update
- };
- //5.Generate wink task
- //You need to change the content after taskLabel: to the task name of the corresponding wink task, in this case Devolucion.
- let taskParam = {
- taskLabel: "DevolucionUE",//------update
- inputParams: JSON.stringify(inputParams),
- };
- jj.createWindTask(JSON.stringify(taskParam));
- var res = { code:200, msg: " Tarea Generada !" }
- return { code: 200, body: JSON.stringify(res) };
- } catch (error) {
- jj.getLogger().error("create tss task error", error);
- var res = { code:400, msg: "fail" }
- return { code: 400, body: JSON.stringify(res) };
- }
- }
- class OperatorRequestEntity {
- constructor() {
- this.robotTaskDef = "";
- this.station = "";
- this.params = [];
- }
- }
- class OperatorRequestParamsEntity {
- constructor() {
- this.key = "";
- this.value = "";
- }
- }
- class OperatorRepsonseEntity {
- constructor() {
- this.code = 200;
- this.msg = "OK";
- }
- }
- class ScriptRepsonseEntity {
- constructor() {
- this.code = 200;
- this.body = "OK";
- }
- }
- class SelectOption {
- constructor() {
- this.value = "";
- this.label = "";
- }
- }
[text] boot.js
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