cetak_resume_kontrak.php - PHP Online
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Full code of cetak_resume_kontrak.php.php
- <?php error_reporting(0);
- include "../tms_config/tms_koneksi.php";
- include "../library/indotgl.php";
- define('FPDF_FONTPATH','../fpdf16/font/');
- require('../fpdf16/fpdf.php');
- $pdf=new FPDF('P','mm','A4');
- $pdf->Open();
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- $pdf->AddPage();
- $pdf->image('../images/Logo_ccm.png',10,10,55,10);
- $co = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT a.*, b.nm_roomusage FROM list_kontrak a left join t_roomusage b on a.kd_roomusage=b.kd_roomusage WHERE a.nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]'");
- $x = mysqli_fetch_array($co);
- $konfirmasi = tgl_indo($x['tgl_konfirmasi']);
- $start = tgl_indo($x['start_rent']);
- $end = tgl_indo($x['end_rent']);
- $te = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT a.*, b.nmstatus FROM tenant a left join t_status b on a.kdstatus=b.kdstatus WHERE a.idtenant='$_GET[idtenant]'");
- $y = mysqli_fetch_array($te);
- $c1 = substr($x['nokontrak'],0,2);
- $c2 = substr($x['nokontrak'],2,2);
- $c3 = substr($x['nokontrak'],4,2);
- $c4 = substr($x['nokontrak'],6,4);
- $tipe1 = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT a.type_bisnis, b.uraian FROM list_kontrak a left join t_type_bisnis b on a.type_bisnis=b.type_bisnis WHERE a.nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]' and deskripsi='room1'");
- $tipe2 = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT a.type_bisnis, b.uraian FROM list_kontrak a left join t_type_bisnis b on a.type_bisnis=b.type_bisnis WHERE a.nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]' and deskripsi='room2'");
- $tipe3 = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT a.type_bisnis, b.uraian FROM list_kontrak a left join t_type_bisnis b on a.type_bisnis=b.type_bisnis WHERE a.nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]' and deskripsi='room3'");
- $data1= mysqli_fetch_array($tipe1);
- $data2= mysqli_fetch_array($tipe2);
- $data3= mysqli_fetch_array($tipe3);
- $t1 = $data1['uraian'];
- $t2 = $data2['uraian'];
- $t3 = $data3['uraian'];
- if ($t2=='') {
- $kalimat = $t1;
- } else if ($t3=='') {
- $kalimat = $t1.', '.$t2;
- } else {
- $kalimat = $t1.', '.$t2.', '.$t3;
- }
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- $pdf->Cell(60,5,'Contract Number',0,1,'L');
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- $pdf->Cell(60,5,'Confirmation Date',0,1,'L');
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- $pdf->Cell(55,5,': '.$c1.'.'.$c2.'.'.$c3.'.'.$c4,0,1,'L');
- $pdf->SetXY(45,45);
- $pdf->Cell(55,5,': '.$konfirmasi,0,1,'L');
- $pdf->SetXY(10,55);
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- $pdf->Cell(60,5,'Contact Person',0,1,'L');
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- $pdf->SetXY(45,60);
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- $pdf->Cell(60,5,' '.$y['mail_addres2'],0,1,'L');
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- $pdf->Cell(60,5,': '.$start.' - '.$end.' ('.$x['duration'].' Months)',0,1,'L');
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- $pdf->Cell(8,16,'NO',1,0,'C',1);
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- $pdf->SetY(100);
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- $pdf->Cell(19,5,'Monthly','LRT',0,'C',1);
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- $pdf->Cell(19,5,'Service','LRB',0,'C',1);
- $result = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * from list_kontrak
- WHERE nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]' order by roomid");
- $pdf->Ln(5.2);
- $no=1;
- $i = 0;
- while($data = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
- $sewa = number_format($data['harga_sewa'],2,',','.');
- $sewa_act = number_format($data['actual_sewa'],2,',','.');
- $service = number_format($data['service'],2,',','.');
- $service_act = number_format($data['actual_service'],2,',','.');
- $diskon_sewa = number_format($data['diskon_sewa'],2,',','.');
- $diskon_service = number_format($data['diskon_service'],2,',','.');
- $rent = $data['luas'] * $data['actual_sewa'];
- $rent_des = number_format($rent,2,',','.');
- $serv = $data['luas'] * $data['actual_service'];
- $serv_des = number_format($serv,2,',','.');
- $pdf->SetX(10);
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- $pdf->Cell(22,6,$data['lantai'].'.'.$data['kdgd'].'.'.$data['urtlantai'],'LR',0,'L',1);
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- $pdf->Cell(18,6,$sewa,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,$diskon_sewa,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,$sewa_act,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(19,6,$rent_des,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,$service,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,$diskon_service,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,$service_act,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(19,6,$serv_des,'LR',0,'R',1);
- $i++; $no++;
- $pdf->Ln();
- } // tutup jika new page
- $jml = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT nominal_rate, tax_rate, duration, sum(luas) as luas, sum(luas * actual_sewa) as jrent, sum(luas * actual_service) as jserv from list_kontrak WHERE nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]' group by nokontrak");
- $z = mysqli_fetch_array($jml);
- $luas = number_format($z['luas'],2,',','.');
- $jrent = number_format($z['jrent'],2,',','.');
- $jserv = number_format($z['jserv'],2,',','.');
- $total_rent = $z['duration'] * $z['jrent'];
- $total_rent_des = number_format($total_rent,2,',','.');
- $total_serv = $z['duration'] * $z['jserv'];
- $total_serv_des = number_format($total_serv,2,',','.');
- $nominal_rate = number_format($z['nominal_rate'],2,',','.');
- $tax_rate = number_format($z['tax_rate'],2,',','.');
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- $pdf->Cell(8,6,'',1,0,'C',1);
- // $pdf->Cell(22,6,'',1,0,'L',1);
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- $pdf->Cell(18,6,'',1,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,'',1,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,'USD','LTB',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(19,6,$jrent,'RTB',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,'',1,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,'',1,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(18,6,'USD','LTB',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(19,6,$jserv,'RTB',0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Ln(12);
- $pdf->SetX(10);
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,'- Total Rent '.$z['duration'].' Month',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(3,5,':',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(30,5,$jrent.' x '.$z['duration'].' =',0,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(35,5,$total_rent_des.' USD',0,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Ln();
- $pdf->SetX(10);
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,'- Total Service Charge',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(3,5,':',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(30,5,$jserv.' x '.$z['duration'].' =',0,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Cell(35,5,$total_serv_des.' USD',0,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Ln(8);
- $pdf->SetX(10);
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,'- Nominal Rate',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(3,5,':',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(30,5,$nominal_rate,0,0,'R',1);
- $pdf->Ln();
- $pdf->SetX(10);
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,'- Tax Rate',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(3,5,':',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(30,5,$tax_rate,0,0,'R',1);
- $awal = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT jadwal_pembayaran from jadwal_pembayaran_service WHERE nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]' and ke='01'");
- $xx = mysqli_fetch_array($awal);
- $setar = tgl_indo($xx['jadwal_pembayaran']);
- $pdf->Ln(8);
- $pdf->Cell(190,5,'- Service Charge will be paid on Monthly Basis Starting on : '.$setar,0,1,'L');
- $pdf->Ln(12);
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- $pdf->Cell(55,5,'Pihak Pertama',0,0,'C',1);
- $pdf->Cell(70,5,'',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(55,5,'Pihak Kedua',0,0,'C',1);
- $ttd = mysqli_query($connect, "select penandatangan as nama from list_kontrak where nokontrak='$_GET[nokontrak]'");
- $oke = mysqli_fetch_array($ttd);
- $pdf->Ln(20);
- $pdf->SetX(10);
- $pdf->Cell(55,5,'( '.$y['contact_person'].' )',0,0,'C',1);
- $pdf->Cell(70,5,'',0,0,'L',1);
- $pdf->Cell(55,5,'( '.$oke['nama'].' )',0,0,'C',1);
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- $pdf->Cell(0,5,'Lampiran - 1.1',0,0,'C',1);
- $pdf->Output();
- ?>